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    [科技报告]          共25页
    摘要 : The report contains information about staff secure juvenile detention programs across the country. As opposed to secure detention, which uses architectural restraints such as barred windows and locked doors, the staff secure conce... 展开
    关键词 : Personnel   Supervision  

    [科技报告]   Kaiser, F. M.        共7页
    摘要 : Congressional oversight of policy implementation and administration has occurred throughout the history of the United States government under the Constitution. Oversight the review, monitoring, and supervision of operations and ac... 展开
    关键词 : Congress   Monitoring   Supervision  

    [科技报告]          共50页
    摘要 : This publication was written to help physically disabled people find adequate assistance to live independently and to meet their daily needs. The Guide is divided into two parts. The first part describes personal service providers... 展开
    关键词 : Employment   Supervision   Recruiting  

    [科技报告]          共122页
    摘要 : The Office of Technology Assessment's last Annual Report includes a descriptionof the members of the Technology Assessment Board.
    关键词 : Congress   Reports   Supervision   Senate  

    [科技报告]          共19页
    摘要 : GAO's testimony today covers the enforcement process used by bank regulators tocorrect unsafe conditions or practice found in banks. GAO calls for changes aimed at achieving prompt and predictable regulatory responses to problem c... 展开
    关键词 : Banking   Regulations   Comptrollers   Supervision  

    [科技报告]      共12页
    摘要 : The directive outlines procedures and responsibilities related to review and oversight of Superfund analytical data.

    [科技报告]          共149页
    摘要 : The Electronic Supervisor: New Technology, New Tension, deals with the use of computer-based technologies to measure how fast or how accurately employees work. This usually involves pitting the interests of the employer in reducin... 展开

    [科技报告]   Kane, E. J.   Bennett, R. L.   Oshinsky, R. C.        共46页
    摘要 : To realign supervisory and market incentives, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 (FDICIA) adjusts two principal features of federal banking supervision. First, it requires regulators to examine insur... 展开
    关键词 : Banking   Monitoring   Supervision   Improvement   Incentives  

    [科技报告]   Stephens, L. B.   Rissel, M. H.   Kanga, F.   Rood, S. A.        共127页
    摘要 : The manual is one of a series of four manuals designed to aid municipalities in Pennsylvania to administer, manage, and conduct road maintenance activities. The objectives of the manual are to help municipal administrators and eng... 展开

    [科技报告]   Rosendahl, B. R.        共24页
    摘要 : This document constitutes the final report of efforts taken under grant numberN00014-89-J-3172. Under this program, students from the MAST Academy, and other Dade County Public High Schools, were placed in laboratory positions at ... 展开
