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    [科技报告]   Voyvodic, L.        共9页
    摘要 : This talk is a review of results which have been reported during the past year on charmed particle decays in emulsions. (ERA citation 05:035704)

    [科技报告]   Criegee, L.   Knies, G.        共258页
    摘要 : The contributions of the PLUTO experiment to e exp + e exp - physics at collision energies in the range of 3-31 GeV are reviewed. The review briefly sketches the storage rings DORIS and PETRA at DESY, and describes the most import... 展开

    [科技报告]   foley, k. j.        共6页
    摘要 : The fact that ISABELLE is designed to operate over the energy range 30 + 30GeV to 200 + 200GeV is pointed out for clarification of the capabilities of ISABELLE. (s is the square of the center-of-mass total energy.).

    [科技报告]   Astvatsaturov, A. R.   Budagov, Y.   Glagolev, V. V.   Bosman, M.        共15页
    摘要 : The calibration of ATLAS barrel calorimeters (including pre shower system, electromagnetic Liquid Argon calorimeter and scintillating hadron tile calorimeter) was done by standard calibration and weighting technique approaches. Th... 展开

    [科技报告]   Declais, Y.   Aubert, J. J.   Bassompierre, G.   Payre, P.   Thenard, J. M.        共20页
    摘要 : A large multi-cell threshold gas Cerenkov counter consisting of 78 cells has been built for use in a high energy muon scattering experiment at CERN (European Muon Collaboration). It is used with neon, nitrogen or a mixture of thos... 展开

    [科技报告]   Herrera, J. C.   Month, M.        共28页
    摘要 : A review is presented of the colliding beam facilities in existence today. The major high energy physics facilities around the world are described, and a view is presented of the beam collisions in which the instruments used to ma... 展开

    [科技报告]   Salamon, M. H.        共22页
    摘要 : This report describes a computer program (developed for analysis of Bevalac data) that calculates stopping power, range, or energy, and which includes the necessary corrections for accuracy in the high Z sub 1 , beta regime, as di... 展开

    [科技报告]   Erenyan, S. S.   Khachatryan, G. N.        共39页
    摘要 : A complete amplitude analysis of experimental data on pi N scattering in (S,t) and (S,b) representations in the energy interval from 6 to 200 GeV is carried out. It is shown that in pi N scattering at superhigh energies a non-zero... 展开

    [科技报告]   Frankel, S.        共10页
    摘要 : This report covers recent completed work, work in progress, and plans for the future developed during the period July 1, 1980 to July 1, 1981. It describes two main activities, those in connection with experiments carried out at L... 展开
