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    [科技报告]          共181页
    摘要 : Separate abstracts were prepared for the 34 papers presented in this issue. (ERA citation 02:044110)

    [科技报告]          共199页
    摘要 : Separate abstracts were prepared for the 35 papers presented in this

    [科技报告]   MacDonald, R. R.        共10页
    摘要 : Based on past experience in both data use and data management, it is felt that the disributed data base concept is the only feasible method of implementing the very large national data bases needed by the ERDA/DBER Assessment and ... 展开

    [科技报告]      共65页
    关键词 : ERDA/290200   ERDA/290500    

    [科技报告]      共296页
    摘要 : Separate abstracts were prepared and entered in the data base for the four sections of this progress report.

    [科技报告]   Enfield, S.   La Porta, C.        共45页
    摘要 : The US Export Council for Renewable Energy undertook an assessment of the potential advantages of recent export-promotion legislation for the US photovoltaics industry. The study reviewed the provisions of the Export Trading Compa... 展开

    [科技报告]   Lacina, J. L.        共408页
    摘要 : This index contains the current and discountinued names of the oil and gas fields in Oklahoma. They are listed according to assignments made by the Oklahoma Nomenclature Committee of the Kansas-Oklahoma Division, Mid-Continent Oil... 展开

    [科技报告]      共58页
    摘要 : In this document, DOE has gathered together the ''most often asked''

    [科技报告]   Beaty, E. C.   Katsonis, K.        共53页
    摘要 : Separate abstracts were entered individually into the data base. (Atomindex citation 10:446392)

    [科技报告]   Dodson, B. W.   Boslough, M. B.        共6页
    摘要 : Recovery of impact loaded samples is extremely difficult owing to the highly destructive post-shock environment. A variety of techniques have been introduced to accomplish this task for both organic and inorganic samples. The desi... 展开
