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    [科技报告]   Priebe, R.   Chotiros, N. P.   Walter, D. J.   Lambert, D. N.        共10页
    摘要 : Echoes reflected from the sea floor hold a great deal of information beyond whatis visible in simple time series of spectra. In addition to reflections from different boundary layers, structures contained in these layers will be e... 展开

    [科技报告]   Lambert, D. N.   Cranford, J. C.   Walter, D. J.        共10页
    摘要 : A need exists in both the civilian and military communities for an automatedseafloor classification system that can remotely and accurately estimate and map sediment properties for a number of seafloor engineering applications and... 展开

    [科技报告]   Valent, P. J.   Burns, J. T.   Walter, D. J.   Li, H.   Bennett, R. H.        共18页
    摘要 : Induced excess pore water pressures resulting from the insertion of piezometerprobes of 8-mm (0.31-in.) diameter and a simulated waste canister of 102-mm (4.0-in.) diameter and the dissipation of these excess pressures were measur... 展开

    [科技报告]   Proni, J. R.   Newman, F. C.   Sellers, R. L.   Walter, D. J.        共87页
    摘要 : Sewage sludge in the New York Bight has been detected using a modified 200 KHz acoustic echo sounder. The three-dimensional distribution of suspended material and its rate of diffusion have been determined after digital processing... 展开
