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    [科技报告]   Muschinski, A.        共10页
    摘要 : At the Boulder Atmospheric Observatory near Erie, CO, we have established an observational testbed for studies of turbulence and propagation in the intermittent atmospheric surface layer. We have tested and refined scientific hypo... 展开

    [科技报告]   Muschinski, A.   Sullivan, P. P.        共5页
    摘要 : Clear-air Doppler radars, also known as clear-air radar windprofilers, have been used for decades to remotely monitor wind velocities in the troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere. The traditional assumption is that the Doppler... 展开

    [科技报告]   Muschinski, A.        共14页
    摘要 : The main objective of the project was to study the intermittent atmospheric surface layer on the basis of observations collected with one or two optical telescopes observing an array of test lights and up to twelve sonics placed a... 展开

    [科技报告]   Muschinski, A.        共6页
    摘要 : The main goals of this project ('Internal consistency of meteorological data obtained with a volume-imaging, multi-receiver radar wind profiler) were (1) to identify as clearly as possible the mathematical relationships between ra... 展开
