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    摘要 : Voyager images of the icy satellites of Saturn, Dione and Enceladus, suggest they have been geologically active and are not only composed of ice. Recent observations by HST have shown the presence of ozone at both Dione and Rhea w... 展开

    [科技报告]   Carlson, R. W.   Anderson, M. S.   Johnson, R. E.   Schulman, M. B.   Yavrouian, A. A.        共35页
    摘要 : We measured the rate of sulfate anion production for cyclo-octal sulfur grains in frozen water at temperatures, energies, and dose rates appropriate for Europa using energetic electrons.

    [科技报告]   Reich, F. R.   Johnson, R. E.   Philipp, B. L.   Duncan, J. B.   Schutzenhofer, G. L.        共61页
    摘要 : This report summarizes the work to develop and deploy near-infrared (NIR) moisture sensing technology for application to the Hanford Site's high-level nuclear waste materials. This work is jointly supported by the U.S. Department ... 展开

    [科技报告]   Jakosky, B. M.   Pepin, R. O.   Johnson, R. E.   Fox, J. L.        共2页
    摘要 : The effects of loss of Mars atmospheric constituents by solar-wind-induced sputtering and by photochemical escape during the last 3.8 b.y. were examined. Sputtering is capable of efficiently removing all species from the upper atm... 展开

    [科技报告]   Jakosky, B. M.   Pepin, R. O.   Johnson, R. E.   Fox, J. L.        共1页
    摘要 : We examine the effects of loss of Mars atmospheric constituents by solar-wind-induced sputtering and by photochemical escape during the last 3.8 b.y. Sputtering is capable of efficiently removing all species from the upper atmosph... 展开

    [科技报告]   Bridges, W. B.   Zhang, Y.   Johnson, R. E.        共73页
    摘要 : The overall objectives of this program were to study and develop an understanding of the characteristics of coupled waveguide gas lasers and to improve their operating characteristics. A flexible test bed laser was designed, fabri... 展开

    [科技报告]   Leonowich, J. A.   Johnson, R. E.        共10页
    摘要 : This paper will explore the various instrumentation that has been available in the past and its relevance to the proposed ANSI standard, along with new available instruments that may significantly modify the way compliance measure... 展开

    [科技报告]   Lew, K. Q.   Gustafsson, U. R. C.   Johnson, R. E.        共31页
    摘要 : The global air sampling program utilizes commercial aircrafts in scheduled service to measure atmospheric constituents. A fully automated system designed for the 747 aircraft is described. Airline operational constraints and data ... 展开
