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    [会议]   John H. Perepezko        Center for Functional Nanostructures School on Functional Nanostructures        2003年1st届      共 29 页
    摘要 : An important consequence of the expanding study of the nanocrystallinestate is the recognition of new behavior that is exposed at the nanometer length scale,but this also requires the recognition of the scaling of conventional beh... 展开
    关键词 : Reaction Kinetics  

    [会议]   Bonazzi C.   Courel M.   Fehaili S.   Broyart B.   Rega B.   Meyer X.M.   Giampaoli P.        ICEF11;International congress on engineering and food        2011年11th届      共 6 页
    摘要 : There is an increasing demand from the food industry for complex products with controlled nutritional and sensorial properties (vitamins, antioxidants or flavour compounds contents). Many of these properties result from chemical... 展开

    [会议]   R. ECHIGO   K. Takahashi   S. Hasegawa        日本传熱シンポジウム        2002年第三十九回届      共 2 页
    摘要 : The molecular dynamics (MD) is applied to discuss the combustion reaction rates in a simplified system, consisting of well-stirred mixtures of combustible gases. The chemical reactions are postulated to occur among the colliding m... 展开

    摘要 : Reaction kinetics of metallurgical physical chemistry which was successfully applied in metallurgy (as ferrous metallurgy, non-ferrous metallurgy) became an important theoretical foundation for subject system of traditional metall... 展开

    摘要 : Reaction kinetics of metallurgical physical chemistry which was successfully applied in metallurgy (as ferrous metallurgy, non-ferrous metallurgy) became an important theoretical foundation for subject system of traditional metall... 展开

    摘要 : Reaction kinetics of metallurgical physical chemistry which was successfully applied in metallurgy (as ferrous metallurgy, non-ferrous metallurgy) became an important theoretical foundation for subject system of traditional metall... 展开

    [会议]   Prashanth Mandalaparty   Dr.Milind Deo   Dr.Joseph Moore        International Pittsburgh Coal Conference        2009年26th届      共 50 页
    摘要 : It may be possible to lower costs of Carbon Capture and Sequestration by keeping constituents such as sulfur dioxide (S02) in the flue gas stream. The reactive behavior of pure CO_2 and CO_2 + SO_2 mixtures within a geologically r... 展开
    关键词 : Sequestration     kinetics     reactions  

    [会议]   Ruqiao (Emma) Shen   Susan A. Andrews        Water Quality Technology Conference        2011年      共 12 页
    摘要 : Laboratoire de Chimie et Microbiologie de l'Eau (CNRS UMR 6008), Université de Poitiers - ENSIP, 40 Avenue du Recteur Pineau, 86022 Poitiers Cedex, France
    关键词 : Formation     Reaction     Kinetics  

    [会议]   John D. Russell   John L. Kardos        International SAMPE symposium and exhibition        1996年41st届      共 11 页
    摘要 : The imidization kinetics for AFR700B polyimide were determined using Fourier transfore infrated spectroscopy (FTIR) by following the increase in imide groups as tracked with the 1360 cm~-1 band over several isotherms. Imidization ... 展开
    关键词 : polyimides   reaction kinetics  

    摘要 : The imidization kinetics for AFR700B polyimide were determined using Fourier transfore infrated spectroscopy (FTIR) by following the increase in imide groups as tracked with the 1360 cm~-1 band over several isotherms. Imidization ... 展开
    关键词 : polyimides   reaction kinetics  
