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    [会议]   Marzieh Ispareh   Behrouz Tork Ladani        EDBT/ICDT Workshops        2009年2009届      共 8 页
    摘要 : Anonymity is an important issue in information security, which its main goal is to protect entities privacy in the systems. Different methods and protocols (with different types of anonymity services) have been developed so far to... 展开

    摘要 : Anonymity is an important issue in information security, which its main goal is to protect entities privacy in the systems. Different methods and protocols (with different types of anonymity services) have been developed so far to... 展开

    [会议]   Kannan, R.   Ray, L.   Iyengar, S.S.        International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing        2005年3rd届      共 6 页
    摘要 : Anonymous communication in sensor networks is an important security tool. A major sensornet security issue is to anonymize sources and sinks in sensor networks despite the inability to hide wireless transmissions. However, none of... 展开

    摘要 : Anonymous communication in sensor networks is an important security tool. A major sensornet security issue is to anonymize sources and sinks in sensor networks despite the inability to hide wireless transmissions. However, none of... 展开

    摘要 : Vast numbers of face images are posted and circulated daily on social network and photo-sharing sites. Some face images are linked to the person's name, like those on user profile pages, while others are anonymized due to privacy ... 展开

    摘要 : Vast numbers of face images are posted and circulated daily on social network and photo-sharing sites. Some face images are linked to the person's name, like those on user profile pages, while others are anonymized due to privacy ... 展开
    关键词 : anonymization   face anonymization   privacy    

    [会议]   Roman Schlegel   Duncan S. Wong               2010年2010届      共 5 页
    摘要 : Most existing anonymous networks focus on providing strong anonymity at the price of having lower bandwidth, higher latency and degraded usability. They also often anonymize only a few specific applications. In this paper, we prop... 展开
    关键词 : Anonymity   Privacy   Anonymous Routing  

    [会议]   Roman Schlegel   Duncan S Wong               2010年2010届      共 5 页
    摘要 : Most existing anonymous networks focus on providing strong anonymity at the price of having lower bandwidth, higher latency and degraded usability. They also often anonymize only a few specific applications. In this paper, we prop... 展开
    关键词 : Anonymity   Anonymous Routing   Privacy  

    摘要 : Most existing anonymous networks focus on providing strong anonymity at the price of having lower bandwidth, higher latency and degraded usability. They also often anonymize only a few specific applications. In this paper, we prop... 展开
    关键词 : Anonymity   Anonymous Routing   Privacy  

    [会议]   Dingbang Xu   Yu Wang   Xinghua Shi   Xiaohang Yin        IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference        2010年      共 5 页
    摘要 : Privacy issues have been a serious concern for 802.11 Wireless LAN users. As demonstrated by Pang et al. [1] and Xu et al. [2], applying pseudonym techniques does not completely protect users' privacy. In particular, users' identi... 展开
    关键词 : Anonymization     privacy     anonymization methods  
