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摘要 : Abstract As decision‐making increasingly relies on machine learning (ML) and (big) data, the issue of fairness in data‐driven artificial intelligence systems is receiving increasing attention from both research and industry. A l... 展开

[期刊]   Oneto Luca   《Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Data mining and knowledge discovery》    2018年8卷4期      共53页
摘要 :

How can we select the best performing data‐driven model? How can we rigorously estimate its generalization error? Statistical learning theory (SLT) answers these questions by deriving nonasymptotic bounds on the generali

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摘要 : The explosive growth of online education environments is generating a massive volume of data, specially in text format from forums, chats, social networks, assessments, essays, among others. It produces exciting challenges on how ... 展开

摘要 : Abstract Process mining (PM) is a well‐known research area that includes techniques, methodologies, and tools for analyzing processes in a variety of application domains. In the case of healthcare, processes are characterized by ... 展开

摘要 : Abstract Predictive maintenance is a field of study whose main objective is to optimize the timing and type of maintenance to perform on various industrial systems. This aim involves maximizing the availability time of the monitor... 展开

摘要 : Keyphrase extraction is a textual information processing task concerned with the automatic extraction of representative and characteristic phrases from a document that express all the key aspects of its content. Keyphrases constit... 展开

摘要 :

Performance of any search engine relies heavily on its Web crawler. Web crawlers are the programs that get webpages from the Web by following hyperlinks. These webpages are indexed by a search engine and can be

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摘要 : Abstract The increasing adoption of the whole slide image (WSI) technology in histopathology has dramatically transformed pathologists' workflow and allowed the use of computer systems in histopathology analysis. Extensive researc... 展开

摘要 : Abstract Most machine learning algorithms are configured by a set of hyperparameters whose values must be carefully chosen and which often considerably impact performance. To avoid a time‐consuming and irreproducible manual proce... 展开

摘要 : Abstract Apnea is a sleep disorder that stops or reduces airflow for a short time during sleep. Sleep apnea may last for a few seconds and happen for many while sleeping. This reduction in breathing is associated with loud snoring... 展开
