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    [机翻] 2018年买家指南
    [期刊]     《Industrial Fabric Products Review》    2018年103卷6期      共137页
    摘要 : May you live in interesting times" might sound like a blessing, but this expression actually portends a threat: Remarkable times can be challenging and disruptive. Considering the nervous stock market and tariff discussions, it's ... 展开

    [机翻] 各州食品立法的实施
    [期刊]   Milch-Lait   《Mitteilungen aus dem Geologischen Institut der Eidgen》    1999年90卷4期      共104页
    摘要 : Wie die Abbildug 8 zeigt, weisen die Gefrierpunkte von Konsummilch eine Streuung auf. Grund dafur sind neben der Jahreszei, der Futterung und weiteren 《naturlichen》 Faktoren der Fremdwassereintrag bei der Gewinnung und Verarbei-... 展开

    [机翻] 产品目录
    [期刊]     《Industrial Fabric Products Review》    2017年102卷6期      共100页
    摘要 : Find the products and services you need for your business in this comprehensive directory. 1. Fabrics, Fibers & Films. The basic components used to make specialty fabric end products. 2. Chemicals, Coatings & Compounds. Products to finish and process specialty fabrics; aftermarket sprays, cleaners and coatings. 3. Hardware, Findings & Accessories. Physical items used as parts of end products. 4. Equipment & Tools. The equipment and tools used to make finished products. 5. Services to Manufacturers. Services for all parts of the specialty fabrics industry. 6. End Products. Manufactured products, from air ducts to yurts.... 展开

    [机翻] 下一站巴黎,所有人都将前往大型展会
    [期刊]   EUGENE DEMPSEY   《International Textile Bulletin》    1999年2期      共94页
    摘要 : The waiting is almost over, exhibitors have made their final plans, and visitors are ready to pack their bags for paris. From 1 to 10 June, the French capital will be the centre of the world of textiles, welcoming hundreds of thou... 展开

    [机翻] 产品目录
    [期刊]     《Industrial Fabric Products Review》    2020年105卷6期      共92页
    摘要 : Find the products and services you need for your business in this comprehensive directory. 1 Fabrics, Fibers and Films. The basic components used to make specialty fabric end products. 2 Chemicals, Coatings and Compounds. Products... 展开

    [机翻] 产品目录
    [期刊]     《Industrial Fabric Products Review》    2019年104卷6期      共92页
    摘要 : 1. Fabrics, Fibers and Films. The basic components used to make specialty fabric end products. 2. Chemicals, Coatings and Compounds. Products to finish and process specialty fabrics; aftermarket sprays, cleaners and coatings. 3 Ha... 展开

    [期刊]     《Specialty fabrics review》    2022年107卷6期      共78页
    摘要 : 1Fabrics, Fibers and Films. The basic components used to make specialty-fabric end products. 2Chemicals, Coatings and Compounds. Products to finish and process specialty fabrics, aftermarket sprays, cleaners and coatings. 3Hardwar... 展开

    [期刊]     《Specialty fabrics review》    2021年MAYGUIDE期      共78页
    摘要 : 1.Fabrics, Fibers and Films. The basic components used to make specialty fabric end products. 2.Chemicals, Coatings and Compounds. Products to finish and process specialty fabrics, aftermarket sprays, cleaners and coatings. 3.Hard... 展开

    [期刊]     《Specialty fabrics review》    2023年108卷6期      共77页
    摘要 : 1 Fabrics, Fibers and Films. The basic components used to make specialty-fabric end products. 2 Chemicals, Coatings and Compounds. Products to finish and process specialty fabrics, aftermarket sprays, cleaners and coatings. 3 H... 展开

    [机翻] 判例法
    [期刊]     《Zeitschrift fur das Gesamte Lebensmittelrecht》    2007年34卷6期      共69页
    摘要 : Art. 5 Abs. 3 Buchst, d der Richtlinie 75/106/EWG des Rates vom 19. Dezember 1974 zur Angleichung der Rechtsvorschriften der Mitgliedstaaten über die Abfüllung bestimmter Flüssigkeiten nach Volumen in Fertigpackungen ist dahin ... 展开
