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    摘要 : During phagocytosis, there is an apparent expansion of the plasma membrane to accommodate the target within a phagosome. This is accompanied (or driven by) a change in membrane tension. It is proposed that the wrinkled topography ... 展开

    摘要 : The intracellular events underlying phagocytosis, a crucial event for innate immunity, are still unresolved. In order to test whether the reservoir of membrane required for the formation of the phagocytic pseudopodia is maintained... 展开

    摘要 : The construction of a low affinity Ca2+-probe that locates to the cell cortex and cell surface wrinkles, is described called. EPIC3 (ezrin-protein indicator of Ca2+). The novel probe is a fusion of CEPIA3 with ezrin, and is used i... 展开

    摘要 : The intracellular events underlying phagocytosis, a crucial event for innate immunity, are still unresolved. In order to test whether the reservoir of membrane required for the formation of the phagocytic pseudopodia is maintained... 展开
