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    [期刊]   Hengzhe Li   Jiajia Wang   Rong-Xia Hao   《Journal of interconnection networks》    2023年23卷3期      共22页
    摘要 : Given a connected graph G and S⊆V(G) with |S|≥2, an S-tree is a such subgraph T=(V′,E′) of G that is a tree with S⊆V′. Two S-trees T and T′ are edge-disjoint if E(T)∩E(T′)=∅. Let λG(S) be the maximum size of a set of ed... 展开

    摘要 : The distance Laplacian matrix of a connected graph G is defined as L(G) = Tr(G)-D(G), where Tr(G) is the diagonal matrix of the vertex transmissions in G and D(G) is the distance matrix of G. The largest eigenvalue of L(G) is call... 展开

    [期刊]   Huimei Guo   Rong-Xia Hao   Jou-Ming Chang   Young Soo Kwon   《Journal of supercomputing》    2024年80卷10期      共18页
    摘要 : With the increasing popularity and diversity of network environments, it is crucial to assess the fault tolerance and stability of the network. Structure connectivity and substructure connectivity are two novel indicators that can... 展开

    [机翻] 平衡超立方体的边容错强哈密顿可替代性
    [期刊]   MEI-MEI GU   RONG-XIA HAO   YAN-QUAN FENG   《Journal of interconnection networks》    2016年16卷2期      共17页
    摘要 : The balanced hypercube BH_n, proposed by Wu and Huang, is a new variation of hyper-cube. A Hamiltonian bipartite graph is Hamiltonian laceable if there exists a Hamiltonian path between two arbitrary vertices from different partit... 展开

    [机翻] 分层星形网络的容错性和可诊断性
    摘要 : The hierarchical star networks HS_n, proposed by Shi and Srimani, is a new level network topology and uses the star graphs as building blocks. Given a graph 6, the h-extra connectivity of 6 is the minimum cardinality of a set of v... 展开

    [机翻] 具有错误顶点和错误边的平衡超立方体中的容错循环嵌入
    [期刊]   MEI-MEI GU   RONG-XIA HAO   YAN-QUAN FENG   《Journal of interconnection networks》    2015年15卷1/2期      共16页
    摘要 : Let F_v (resp. F_e) be the set of faulty vertices (resp. faulty edges) in the n-dimensional balanced hypercube BH_n. The edge-bipancyclicity of BH_n - F_v for |F_v| ≤ n - 1 had been proved in [Inform. Sci. 288 (2014) 449-461]. Th... 展开

    [期刊]   Dongqin Cheng   Rong-Xia Hao   Yan-Quan Feng   《Applied mathematics and computation》    2014年242卷      共16页
    摘要 : The balanced hypercube BH_n proposed by Wu and Huang is a variation of the hypercube. It has been proved that the balanced hypercube is a node-transitive and bipartite graph. Assume that the nodes are divided into two bipartite no... 展开

    [期刊]   Xiao-Wen Qin   Rong-Xia Hao   《Discrete Applied Mathematics》    2018年247卷      共15页
    摘要 : Thek-dimensional data center network withnport switches, denoted byDk,n, has been proposed for data centers as a server centric network structure. Wang et?al. (2015) had shown thatDk,nis(n+k?3)-fault-tolerant Hamiltonian. In this ... 展开

    [期刊]   Xiao-Wen Qin   Rong-Xia Hao   《Discrete Applied Mathematics》    2018年247卷      共15页
    摘要 : Thek-dimensional data center network withnport switches, denoted byDk,n, has been proposed for data centers as a server centric network structure. Wang et?al. (2015) had shown thatDk,nis(n+k?3)-fault-tolerant Hamiltonian. In this ... 展开

    [机翻] 气泡排序星图与增广k元n-立方体的悲观可诊断性
    摘要 : A system is t/t-diagnosable if, provided the number of faulty processors is bounded by t, all faulty processors can be isolated within a set of size at most t with at most one fault-free processor mistaken as a faulty one. The pes... 展开
