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    [期刊]   Martin Lange   Adam Reichold   Hans-Hermann Thulke   《EFSA supporting publications》    2021年18卷3期      共61页
    摘要 : African swine fever (ASF) is an infectious lethal disease affecting domestic pigs and wild boar. For more than a decade ASF infection by genotype IIhas been circulating in Eurasian wild boar populations. It can be transmitted via ... 展开

    [期刊]   Martin Lange   Vittorio Guberti   Hans‐Hermann Thulke   《EFSA supporting publications》    2018年15卷11期      共46页
    摘要 : African swine fever (ASF) infection is circulating in Eurasia since a decade within wild boar populations without a demonstrated vector host. Further the infection was recurrently translocated by spatio‐temporal dynamics that is ... 展开

    [期刊]   Martin Lange   Adam Reichold   Hans-Hermann Thulke   《EFSA supporting publications》    2021年18卷5期      共38页
    摘要 : African Swine Fever (ASF) is an infectious lethal disease affecting domestic pigs and wild boar. In the EU the infection perpetuates predominantly in wild boar populations. ASF control comprises wild boar population reduction meas... 展开

    摘要 : Structural mutants of p53 induce global p53 protein destabilization and misfolding, followed by p53 protein aggregation. First evidence indicates that p53 can be part of protein condensates and that p53 aggregation potentially tra... 展开

    [期刊]   Martin Lange   《EFSA supporting publications》    2012年9卷4期      共28页
    摘要 : Spatial spread and maintenance of foot‐and‐mouth disease virus infections in wildlife populations of Thrace region applying epidemiological modelling.

    [机翻] 混合逻辑的模型检验
    [期刊]   Martin Lange   《Journal of logic, language and information》    2009年18卷4期      共27页
    摘要 : We consider the model checking problem for Hybrid Logic. Known algorithms so far are global in the sense that they compute, inductively, in every step the set of all worlds of a Kripke structure that satisfy a subformula of the in... 展开

    [期刊]   Adam Reichold   Martin Lange   Hans-Hermann Thulke   《EFSA supporting publications》    2022年19卷5期      共26页
    摘要 : African Swine Fever (ASF) is an infectious lethal disease affecting domestic pigs and wild boar. In the EU the infection perpetuates predominantly in wild boar populations. ASF control comprises wild boar population reduction meas... 展开

    [机翻] 混合分支时间逻辑的模型检验
    [期刊]   Daniel Kernberger   Martin Lange   《The Journal of logic and algebraic programming》    2020年110卷Jan.期      共25页
    摘要 : We consider hybridisations of the full branching time logicCTL⁎and its prominent fragments CTL,CTL+andFCTL+through the addition of nominals, binders and jumps. We formally define three types of hybridisations by restricting the i... 展开
    关键词 : Hybrid logics   Model checking  

    摘要 : We investigated the fragmentation of SF_6~(n+) (n≥2) produced by impact of 2 MeV He~(2+) ions on neutral SF_6. single time-of-flight spectra of the resulting fragment ions were acquired with special interest in molecular dication... 展开

    [机翻] 更多关于均衡饮食
    [期刊]   OLIVER FRIEDMANN   MARTIN LANGE   《Journal of Functional Programming》    2011年21卷PT.2期      共23页
    摘要 : Discrete Interval Encoding Trees are data structures for the representation of fat, i.e. densely populated sets over a discrete linear order. In this paper, we introduce algorithms for set-theoretic operations like intersection, u... 展开
