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    摘要 : The current document is based on a consensus reached by a panel of experts from the Chinese Society of Allergy and the Chinese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Rhinology Group. Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) aff... 展开

    [期刊]   Xi, Shuai   Zeng, Zirong   Zhu, Shengguo   Liu, Feng   《Journal of Differential Equations》    2022年314卷      共56页
    摘要 : In this paper, we consider the Cauchy problem of three-dimensional incompressible magnetohydrodynamic equations. Some uniform estimates with respect to time for the coupling terms between the fluid and the magnetic field will be p... 展开

    [期刊]   Hart, Jarod   Liu, Feng   Xue, Qingying   《The Journal of geometric analysis》    2021年31卷4期      共50页
    摘要 : This paper will be devoted to study the regularity and continuity properties of the following local multilinear fractional type maximal operators,

    摘要 : One of the major issues in tissue engineering is regulation of stem cell differentiation toward specific lineages. Unlike biological and chemical signals, physical signals with adjustable properties can be applied to stem cells in... 展开

    [期刊]   Liu, Feng   Wang, Shifen   Xue, Qingying   《Results in mathematics》    2021年76卷4期      共44页
    摘要 : In this paper, we introduce and investigate Sobolev regularity properties of the local bilinear maximal operator and its fractional variant. Some new bounds for the derivatives of the above maximal functions are established. These... 展开

    [期刊]   Liu, Feng   Wu, Huoxiong   Xue, Qingying   Yabuta, Kozo   《Bulletin des sciences mathematiques》    2022年179卷      共39页
    摘要 : In this paper, we explore the endpoint Sobolev regularity of the fractional maximal operators in the multilinear setting. Some new bounds and continuity for the derivatives of the multilinear fractional maximal functions are estab... 展开

    摘要 : Stratigraphic sections in the Bogda Mountains, NW China, provide detailed records of late Permian-Early Triassic terrestrial paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic evolution at the paleo-mid-latitude of NE Pangea. The sections are l... 展开

    [期刊]   Feng, Chunjuan   Liu, Feng   Rusak, Zvi   Wang, Shixiao   《Journal of Fluid Mechanics》    2018年846卷      共39页
    摘要 : Direct numerical simulations are used to study the three-dimensional, incompressible and viscous flow dynamics of a base solid-body rotation flow with a uniform axial velocity entering a rotating, finite-length, straight circular ... 展开

    [期刊]   Hussain, T.   Ablikim, M.   Achasov, M. N.   Adlarson, P.   Ahmed, S.   Albrecht, M.   Alekseev, M.   Ambrose, D.   Amoroso, A.   An, F. F.   An, Q.   Anita   Bai, Y.   Bakina, O.   Ferroli, R. Baldini   Balossino, I   Nakhoul, S.   Nefedov, Y.   Nerling, F.   Nikolaev, I. B.   Zou, B. S.   Zou, J. H.   Nisar, S.   Niu, S. L.   Olsen, S. L.   Ouyang, Q.   Pacetti, S.   Pan, Y.   Ban, Y.   Dong, C.   Dong, J.   Ding, Y.   Dong, L. Y.   Andersson, W. Ikegami   Imoehl, W.   Irshad, M.   Ji, Q.   Ji, Q. P.   Ji, X. B.   Ji, X. L.   Jiang, H. L.   Jiang, X. S.   Jiang, X. Y.   Jiao, J. B.   Jiao, Z.   Jin, D. P.   Jin, S.   Jin, Y.   Mustafa, A.   Papenbrock, M.   Patteri, P.   Pelizaeus, M.   Peng, H. P.   Peters, K.   Pettersson, J.   Ping, J. L.   Ping, R. G.   Wang, K.   Ning, Z.   Zhu, W. J.   Zhu, X. L.   Zhu, Y. C.   Zhu, Y. S.   Zhu, Z. A.   Zhuang, J.   Wang, L. L.   Wang, L. S.   Wang, M.   Wang, M. Z.   Wang, Meng   Wang, P. L.   Wang, R. M.   Wang, W. P.   Wang, X.   Wang, X. F.   Johansson, T.   Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N.   Kang, X. S.   Kappert, R.   Kavatsyuk, M.   Ravindran, K.   Redmer, C. F.   Richter, M.   Rivetti, A.   Rodin, V   Rolo, M.   Rong, G.   Rosner, Ch   Rump, M.   Sarantsev, A.   Kupsc, A.   Kurth, M.   Wang, Z. G.   Wang, X. L.   Qian, S.   Qiao, C. F.   Qin, N.   Qin, X. P.   Qin, X. S.   Qin, Z. H.   Qiu, J. F.   Qu, S. Q.   Rashid, K. H.   Wang, Z. Y.   Wang, Zongyuan   Weber, T.   Wei, D. H.   Shen, C. P.   Shen, P. X.   Shen, X. Y.   Sheng, H. Y.   Shi, X.   Shi, X. D.   Song, J. J.   Song, Q. Q.   Song, X. Y.   Sosio, S.   Sowa, C.   Spataro, S.   Sui, F. F.   Weidenkaff, P.   Wen, H. W.   Wen, S. P.   Wiedner, U.   Wilkinson, G.   Wolke, M.   Wu, L. H.   Wu, L. J.   Wu, Z.   Xia, L.   Xia, Y.   Yan, L.   Savrie, M.   Schelhaas, Y.   Schoenning, K.   Shan, W.   Wang, Y.   Wang, D. Y.   Wang, Y. F.   Wang, Y. Q.   Wang, Z.   Kurth, M. G.   Khn, W.   Lange, J. S.   Larin, P.   Lavezzi, L.   Leithoff, H.   Lenz, T.   Li, C.   Pitka, A.   Poling, R.   Prasad, V   Qi, H. R.   Qi, M.   Qi, T. Y.   Shan, X. Y.   Shao, M.   Zhang, Yi   Zhang, Yu   Zhang, Z. H.   Zhang, Z. P.   Zhang, Z. Y.   Zhao, G.   Zhao, J. W.   Zhao, J. Y.   Zhao, J. Z.   Zhao, Lei   Zhao, Ling   Zhao, M. G.   Kopf, B.   Kuemmel, M.   Kuessner, M.   Xiao, S. Y.   Xiao, Y. J.   Xiao, Z. J.   Xie, Y. G.   Xie, Y. H.   Xing, T. Y.   Xiong, X. A.   Xiu, Q. L.   Xu, G. F.   Xu, J. J.   Xu, L.   Xu, Q. J.   Xu, W.   Xu, X. P.   Yan, F.   Yan, W. B.   Yan, W. C.   Yan, Y. H.   Yang, H. J.   Yang, H. X.   Yang, L.   Yang, R. X.   Yang, S. L.   Yang, Y. H.   Yang, Y. X.   Yang, Yifan   Yang, Z. Q.   Ye, M.   Ye, M. H.   Yin, J. H.   You, Z. Y.   Yu, B. X.   Yu, C. X.   Yu, J. S.   Yu, T.   Yuan, C. Z.   Yuan, X. Q.   Yuan, Y.   Liu, Fang   Liu, Feng   Liu, H. B.   Huesken, N.   Feldbauer, F.   Felici, G.   Feng, C. Q.   Fritsch, M.   Fu, C. D.   Li, Z. B.   Li, Z. Y.   Liang, H.   Liang, Y. F.   Liang, Y. T.   Liao, G. R.   Liao, L. Z.   Libby, J.   Lin, C. X.   Lin, D. X.   Lin, Y. J.   Liu, B.   Liu, B. J.   Liu, C. X.   Liu, D.   Liu, D. Y.   Liu, F. H.   Lou, X. C.   Lu, H. J.   Fu, Y.   Gao, Q.   Gao, X. L.   Gao, Y.   Gao, Y. G.   Gao, Z.   Garillon, B.   Garzia, I   Gersabeck, E. M.   Gilman, A.   Goetzen, K.   Gong, L.   Gong, W. X.   Gradl, W.   Greco, M.   Gu, L. M.   Lusso, S.   Huang, G. S.   Maas, F. E.   Maggiora, M.   Maldaner, S.   Malde, S.   Malik, Q. A.   Mao, Y. J.   Mao, Z. P.   Marcello, S.   Meng, Z. X.   Messchendorp, J. G.   Mezzadri, G.   Min, J.   Min, T. J.   Mitchell, R. E.   Mo, X. H.   Mo, Y. J.   Morales, C. Morales   Muchnoi, N. Yu   Muramatsu, H.   Zhang, J. L.   Zhang, J. Q.   Zhang, J. W.   Zhang, J. Y.   Zhang, J. Z.   Zhang, K.   Zhang, L.   Zhang, S. F.   Zhang, T. J.   Zhang, X. Y.   Zhang, Y.   Zhang, Y. H.   Begzsuren, K.   Bennett, J., V   Berger, N.   Bertani, M.   Zhang, Y. T.   Zhang, Yang   Zhang, Yao   Li, Cheng   Li, D. M.   Li, F.   Li, F. Y.   Li, G.   Li, H. B.   Li, H. J.   Li, J. C.   Li, J. W.   Li, Ke   Li, L. K.   Li, Lei   Li, P. L.   Li, P. R.   Li, Q. Y.   Li, W. D.   Bettoni, D.   Ke, B. C.   Keshk, I. K.   Khoukaz, A.   Kiese, P.   Bianchi, F.   Chen, H. S.   Chen, J.   Chen, J. C.   Chen, M. L.   Chen, S. J.   Zheng, J. P.   Zheng, Y.   Zheng, Y. H.   Zhong, B.   Zhou, L.   Zhou, L. P.   Zhou, Q.   Zhou, X.   Zhou, X. K.   Zhou, X. R.   Zhou, Xiaoyu   Zhou, Xu   Zhu, A. N.   Zhu, J.   Zhu, K.   Zhu, K. J.   Zhu, S. H.   Li, X. H.   Li, X. L.   Li, X. N.   Chen, Y. B.   Cheng, W.   Cibinetto, G.   Cossio, F.   Cui, X. F.   Dai, H. L.   Dai, J. P.   Dai, X. C.   Dbeyssi, A.   Dedovich, D.   Deng, Z. Y.   Denig, A.   Denysenko, I   Destefanis, M.   De Mori, F.   Gu, M. H.   Gu, S.   Gu, Y. T.   Guo, A. Q.   Lu, J. D.   Lu, J. G.   Lu, Y.   Lu, Y. P.   Luo, C. L.   Luo, M. X.   Luo, P. W.   Luo, T.   Luo, X. L.   Lyu, X. R.   Ma, F. C.   Ma, H. L.   Ma, L. L.   Ma, M. M.   Ma, Q. M.   Ma, X. N.   Ma, X. X.   Ma, X. Y.   Ma, Y. M.   Guo, L. B.   Guo, R. P.   Guo, Y. P.   Guskov, A.   Han, S.   Hao, X. Q.   Harris, F. A.   He, K. L.   Heinsius, F. H.   Held, T.   Heng, Y. K.   Himmelreich, M.   Hou, Y. R.   Hou, Z. L.   Hu, H. M.   Hu, J. F.   Hu, T.   Hu, Y.   Mangoni, A.   Liu, H. M.   Liu, Huanhuan   Liu, Huihui   Liu, J. B.   Liu, J. Y.   Liu, K.   Sun, G. X.   Sun, J. F.   Sun, L.   Sun, S. S.   Sun, X. H.   Sun, Y. J.   Sun, Y. K.   Sun, Y. Z.   Sun, Z. J.   Sun, Z. T.   Tan, Y. T.   Tang, C. J.   Tang, G. Y.   Tang, X.   Thoren, V   Tsednee, B.   Uman, I   Wang, B.   Wang, B. L.   Wang, C. W.   Yuncu, A.   Zafar, A. A.   Zeng, Y.   Zhang, B. X.   Zhang, B. Y.   Zhang, C. C.   Zhang, D. H.   Zhang, H. H.   Zhang, H. Y.   Zhang, J.   Dong, M. Y.   Dou, Z. L.   Du, S. X.   Fan, J. Z.   Fang, J.   Fang, S. S.   Fang, Y.   Farinelli, R.   Fava, L.   Kiuchi, R.   Kliemt, R.   Koch, L.   Kolcu, O. B.   Biernat, J.   Li, W. G.   Liu, K. Y.   Liu, Ke   Liu, L. Y.   Liu, Q.   Liu, S. B.   Liu, T.   Liu, X.   Liu, X. Y.   Liu, Y. B.   Liu, Z. A.   Liu, Zhiqing   Long, Y. F.   Zhao, Q.   Zhao, S. J.   Zhao, T. C.   Zhao, Y. B.   Zhao, Z. G.   Zhemchugov, A.   Zheng, B.   Bloms, J.   Boyko, I   Briere, R. A.   Cai, H.   Cai, X.   Calcaterra, A.   Cao, G. F.   Cao, N.   Cetin, S. A.   Chai, J.   Chang, J. F.   Chang, W. L.   Chelkov, G.   Chen, D. Y.   Chen, G.   Huang, J. S.   Huang, X. T.   Huang, X. Z.   《American Family Physician》    2020年101卷11期      共38页
    摘要 : Crucial inputs for a variety of CP-violation studies can be determined through the analysis of pairs of quantum-entangled neutral D mesons, which are produced in the decay of the psi(3770) resonance. The relative strong-phase para... 展开

    [期刊]   Wang, Shixiao   Rusak, Zvi   Gong, Rui   Liu, Feng   《Journal of Fluid Mechanics》    2016年797卷      共38页
    摘要 : The three-dimensional, inviscid and viscous flow instability modes that appear on a solid-body rotation flow in a finite-length straight, circular pipe are analysed. This study is a direct extension of the Wang &. Rusak (Phys. Fluids, vol. 8 (4), 1996a. pp. 1007-1016) analysis of axisymmetric instabilities on inviscid swirling flows in a pipe. The linear stability equations are the same as those derived by Kelvin (Phil. Mag., vol. 10, 1880, pp. 155-168). However, we study a general mode of perturbation that satisfies the inlet, outlet and wall conditions of a flow in a finite-length pipe with a fixed in time and in space vortex generator ahead of it. This mode is different from the classical normal mode of perturbations. The eigenvalue problem for the growth rate and the shape of the perturbations for any azimuthal wavenumber consists of a linear system of partial differential equations in terms of the axial and radial coordinates (x, r). The stability problem is solved numerically for all azimuthal wavenumbers in. The computed growth rates and the related shapes of the various perturbation modes that appear in sequence as a function of the base flow swirl ratio (omega) and pipe length (L) are presented. In the inviscid flow case, the m = 1 modes are the first to become unstable as the swirl ratio is increased and dominate the perturbation's growth in a certain range of swirl levels. The m = 1 instability modes compete with the axisymmetric (m = 0) instability modes as the swirl ratio is further increased. In the viscous flow case, the viscous damping effects reduce the modes' growth rates. The neutral stability line is presented in a Reynolds number (Re) versus swirl ratio (w) diagram and can he used to predict the first appearance of axisymmetric or spiral instabilities as a function of Re and L. We use the Reynolds-Orr equation to analyse the various production terms of the perturbation's kinetic energy and establish the elimination of the flow axial homogeneity at high swirl levels as the underlying physical mechanism that leads to flow exchange of stability and to the appearance of both spiral and axisymmetric instabilities. The viscous effects in the bulk have only a passive influence on the modes' shapes and growth rates. These effects decrease with the increase of Re. We show that the inviscid flow stability results are the inviscid-limit stability results of high-Re rotating flows.... 展开
