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    摘要 : Transcriptional activity in plants is controlled with a programmable gene circuit. Plant biotechnology predominantly relies on a restricted set of genetic parts with limited capability to customize spatiotemporal and conditional e... 展开

    摘要 : Climate change and extreme climatic events, such as marine heatwaves (MHWs), are threatening seagrass ecosystems. Metabolomics can be used to gain insight into early stress responses in seagrasses and help to develop targeted mana... 展开

    摘要 : Given the ocean ecosystem's contribution to the environment, economy and human wellbeing, its condition and value need to be accounted for in decision making for a healthy and sustainable society. Ocean accounting aims to incorpor... 展开

    摘要 : First experimental results from a room-temperature tabletop phase-sensitive axion haloscope experiment are presented. The technique exploits the axion-photon coupling between two photonic resonator oscillators excited in a single ... 展开
    关键词 : AMPLIFIERS  

    摘要 : The western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus [George 1962]) is the basis for Australia's most valuable single species wild caught fishery. The ability of early juvenile western rock lobster to select and settle onto suitable habitat... 展开

    摘要 : The novel 2,7-bis((TIPS)ethynyl)-10b,10c-diethyl-dihydropyrene photochrome (TIPS = triisopropylsilyl) was observed to undergo thermal rearrangement to 2,7-bis(TIPS-ethynyl)-pyrene in the solid state. The transformation proceeds st... 展开

    摘要 : Continuous monitoring of mechanical parameters determining the state of natural and man-made systems is essential in a wide range of engineering disciplines from mechanical to civil and geotechnical engineering. To be effective, t... 展开

    [期刊]   Ye, Daihua   Clode, Peta L.   Hammer, Timothy A.   Pang, Jiayin   Lambers, Hans   Ryan, Megan H.   《Chemosphere》    2021年264卷Pt.1期      共12页
    摘要 : Ptilotus exaltatus accumulates phosphorus (P) to > 40 mg g(-1) without toxicity symptoms, while Kennedia prostrata is intolerant of increased P supply. What physiological mechanisms underlie this difference and protect P. exaltatu... 展开

    摘要 : Gastrointestinal helminths are a global health issue, for humans as well as domestic animals. Most studies focus on the tissues that are infected with the parasite, but here we studied the ileum, a tissue that is rarely infected b... 展开

    摘要 : Corner cube retroreflectors are commonly used as cooperative targets in free-space laser applications. The previous literature suggests that due to path reciprocity, a retroreflected beam is self-corrected across a turbulent atmos... 展开
    关键词 : LIGHT  
