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    [期刊]   Ubink R   Kopp J   Wong H   Walsh JH   Pedrazzini T   Hokfelt T   《The Journal of Comparative Neurology》    2001年429卷2期      共9页
    摘要 : Using immunohistochemistry in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy, we studied the ontogeny of neuropeptide Y-Y1 receptor (Y1-R) expression in the trigeminal system of the rat. The study was limited to the nerve fib... 展开
    关键词 : Vibrissae   触须  

    摘要 : Of all mammalian vibrissae, those of certain species of pinnipeds are exceptional. Researchers believe that their curious undulating form evolved for hydrodynamic detection. Our understanding of how these whiskers work depends on ... 展开

    [期刊]   THOMAS A. WOOLSEY   H. PHILIP ZEIGLER   《Somatosensory & motor research》    2009年26卷1期      共7页
    摘要 : Wally Welker died in Madison on 28 November 2007 after a long and innovative career at the University of Wisconsin—Madison. We were both influenced profoundly by his science and his approach to his science as a mentor and as a fr... 展开
    关键词 : Welker   twinkle   Vibrissae  

    [期刊]   Sayegh, Mohamad-Ammar   Daraghma, Hammam   Mekid, Samir   Bashmal, Salem   《Sensors》    2022年22卷7期      共24页
    摘要 : Whisker sensors are a class of tactile sensors that have recently attracted attention. Inspired by mammals’ whiskers known as mystacial vibrissae, they have displayed tremendous potential in a variety of applications e.g., roboti... 展开

    [机翻] 感觉编码的点过程分析
    [期刊]   GARRETT B. STANLEY   ROXANNA M. WEBBER   《Journal of Computational Neuroscience》    2003年15卷3期      共13页
    摘要 : Nowhere is the sparse nature of neuronal coding more evident than in the sensory cortex, where neuronal response becomes increasingly tuned to specific features of the sensory environment. For such situations, where rate modulatio... 展开
    关键词 : barrel cortex   vibrissa   stochastic  

    [期刊]   Voigts J   Sakmann B   Celikel T   《Journal of Neurophysiology》    2008年100卷1期      共12页
    摘要 : Understanding how whisker-based tactile information is represented in the nervous system requires quantification of sensory input and observation of neural activity during whisking and whisker touch. Chronic electrophysiological m... 展开
    关键词 : Vibrissae   Algorithms   触须   算法  

    摘要 : We present evidence that resonance properties of rat vibrissae differentially amplify high-frequency and complex tactile signals. Consistent with a model of vibrissa mechanics, optical measurements of vibrissae revealed that their... 展开
    关键词 : Touch   Vibrissae   触觉   触须  

    [期刊]   Lisa F. Shatz   Craig W. Christensen   《The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America》    2008年123卷5 Pt.1期      共10页
    摘要 : The motion of isolated rat vibrissae due to low frequency sound has been modeled and measured with good agreement (within a factor of 2) between the data and the model's predictions. As had been done in previous studies on the res... 展开
    关键词 : frequency response   vibrissae   microscope  

    摘要 : The 32nd Annual Barrels meeting was hosted at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, Illinois on October 17th and 18th, 2019. The annual meeting brings together researchers who utilize the rodent whisk... 展开
    关键词 : Whiskers   barrel cortex   vibrissa  

    [期刊]   Brumberg, J.C.   Zhang, W.   《Somatosensory & motor research》    2011年28卷1/2期      共8页
    摘要 : The 23rd annual Barrels meeting was held on the University of California, San Diego campus and highlighted the latest advances in the whisker-to-barrel pathway and beyond. The annual meeting brought together investigators from a d... 展开
    关键词 : Barrel   Meeting   Vibrissa   Whisker  
