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    [机翻] 税收士气与公共支出效率低下
    [期刊]   Guglielmo Barone   Sauro Mocetti   《International tax and public finance》    2011年18卷6期      共26页
    摘要 : Tax evasion is a widespread phenomenon and encouraging tax compliance is an important and debated policy issue. Many studies have shown that tax cheating has to be attributed to a considerable extent to the tax morale of taxpayers... 展开

    [机翻] 税收的不对称性加剧了低效率吗?
    [期刊]   Yutao Han   Patrice Pieretti   Benteng Zou   《Economics letters》    2014年122卷1期      共3页
    摘要 : Many authors demonstrate that the tax gap resulting from tax competition increases with the size asymmetry of the competing countries. Consequently, increasing country-size disparities exacerbates the inefficiency of tax competiti... 展开

    [机翻] 报告的总收入和边际税率:西班牙纳税人行为反应的估计
    摘要 : This article estimates, for the Spanish personal income tax, the elasticity of reported gross income to marginal tax rates. The identification of this elasticity has been performed using the reform approved by Law 35/2006, which c... 展开

    [机翻] 劳动投资效率低下与企业避税之间有没有关系?
    [期刊]   Taylor, Grantley   Al-Hadi, Ahmed   Richardson, Grant   Alfarhan, Usamah   Al-Yahyaee, Khamis   《Economic modelling》    2019年82卷Nov.期      共17页
    摘要 : This paper investigates the relation between labor investment inefficiency and corporate tax avoidance. Employing a large sample of 61,542 U.S. firm-year observations over the 1962-2014 period, our regression results show that lab... 展开

    [期刊]   Hellwig, Martin F.   《Economics letters》    2020年197卷Dec.期      共3页
    摘要 : According to Homburg's (2014) comment on Kim and Lee (1997), a property tax cannot cause dynamic inefficiency in overlapping-generations models with land unless the tax "confiscates" the entire land rent. But then, Homburg claims,... 展开

    [期刊]   Dipankar Dasgupta   《Journal of Development Economics》    1999年58卷2期      共27页
    摘要 : The paper constructs a model of endogenous growth where infrastructure acts as an accumulable stock generating a nonrival input service. Steady state growth paths are studied for Market and Command Economies. In the former, a fina... 展开

    [机翻] 用弹性需求约束原子可拆分自私业务均衡的无效性
    [期刊]   Zengzhe Feng   Ziyou Gao   Huijun Sun   《Transportation Research》    2014年63卷Mar.期      共13页
    摘要 : We determine the exact upper bound of the inefficiency of atomic splittable selfish traffic equilibria with elastic travel demand with and without road pricing. In the previous results, only pseudo-approximation bound were obtaine... 展开

    [机翻] 通过报告收入弹性评估税收改革:西班牙的实证分析
    [期刊]   Arrazola, Maria   de Hevia, Jose   Felix Sanz-Sanz, Jose   《Applied Economics》    2019年51卷55/57期      共14页
    摘要 : This paper demonstrates the usefulness of the elasticity of reported income to assess tax reforms from the perspectives of tax revenue and well-being. Employing different identification strategies, evidence is provided of the valu... 展开

    [期刊]   Cnossen, Sijbren   《International tax and public finance》    2022年29卷1期      共22页
    摘要 : It is widely agreed that in countries without major constraints on administrative capacity, a value-added tax (VAT) should tax all goods and services at a uniform rate. In these countries, VAT's C-efficiency, that is, actual reven... 展开

    [机翻] 加拿大工业短期能源效率提高的潜力
    [期刊]   Gamtessa, Samuel   Childs, Jason   《Energy efficiency》    2019年12卷7期      共13页
    摘要 : Canada has joined the few countries that have adopted carbon tax in an effort to mitigate CO2 emissions. Since consumption of fossil fuels is the primary source of CO2 emissions, the key mechanism for business to reduce their carb... 展开
