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    [期刊]   Zhang, Xiuwei   Yu, Feihai   《Plant, Soil and Environment》    2020年66卷11期      共6页
    摘要 : Labile carbon (C) is a major source of C loss because of its high vulnerability to environmental change. Yet its potential role in regulating soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics remains unclear. In this study, we tested the effect ... 展开

    摘要 : Two acidic soils (initial pH, 4.6) with contrasting soil organic C (SOC) contents (11.5 and 40 g C kg(-1)) were incubated with C-13-labelled lime ((CaCO3)-C-13) at four different rates (nil, target pH 5, 5.8 and 6.5) and three app... 展开

    [期刊]   Craine, Joseph M   Gelderman, Theodore M   《Soil Biology & Biochemistry》    2011年43卷2期      共3页
    摘要 : We examined relationships between soil moisture and the temperature sensitivity of decomposition of labile soil organic carbon at a central North American grassland. For soils collected from shallow, xeric uplands, temperature sen... 展开

    [期刊]     《Geoderma: An International Journal of Soil Science》    2020年366卷      共9页
    摘要 : Significant increase in soil organic carbon (SOC) has been found in Chinese croplands. Current literature largely attributes this to the increased organic C inputs from manure, crop straw and root. However, using a meta-analysis o... 展开

    [期刊]   Sun, B.   Qian, H. Y.   Pan, J. J.   《Soil Use and Management》    2013年29卷4期      共9页
    摘要 : The dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC) pools determine potential carbon sequestration and soil nutrient improvement. This study investigated the characteristics of SOC pools in five types of cultivated topsoils (0-15cm) in subt... 展开

    [期刊]   Feng, Yongsheng   《Soil Science》    2009年174卷9期      共14页
    摘要 : A continuous soil organic carbon (SOC) model (K-model) was developed based on the conceptualization that SOC decomposition consists of three basic steps: the initial decomposition of plant litter, death of microorganisms, and deco... 展开

    摘要 : Abstract Confidence in model estimates of soil CO2 flux depends on assumptions regarding fundamental mechanisms that control the decomposition of litter and soil organic carbon (SOC). Multiple hypotheses have been proposed to expl... 展开

    [期刊]   Kundu S   Singh M   Saha JK   Biswas A   Tripathi AK   Acharya CL   《Journal of plant nutrition and soil science》    2001年164卷5期      共4页
    摘要 : Kinetic relationship between addition of organic carbon (through unharvested crop biomass and externally applied farmyard manure) and storage in a Vertisol (Typic Haplustert) was studied in a seven-year soybean-wheat rotation expe... 展开

    [期刊]   Kane E S   Valentine D W   Schuur E A G   Dutta K   《Canadian Journal of Forest Research》    2005年35卷9期      共12页
    摘要 : The amount of soil organic carbon (SOC) in stable, slow-turnover pools is likely to change in response to climate warming because processes mediating soil C balance (net primary production and decomposition) vary with environmenta... 展开
