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    摘要 : Trillions of bytes of data are generated every day in different forms, and extracting useful information from that massive amount of data is the study of data mining. Sequential pattern mining is a major branch of data mining that... 展开

    [机翻] 模式挖掘算法在生物数据发现中的应用
    摘要 : Sequences are one of the most important types of data. Recently, mining and analysis of sequence data has been studied in several fields. In a DNA sequences may exist other characters then not exist in alphabet. It is related to a... 展开

    摘要 : Frequent pattern mining has become very useful and interesting to researchers due to its high applicability. Different real-life databases (e.g., sensor network, medical diagnosis data) are uncertain in their nature. Many algorith... 展开

    [机翻] 数据流中的序列模式挖掘
    [期刊]   H. M. Hijawi   M. H. Saheb   《Computer and information science》    2015年8卷3期      共7页
    摘要 : Sequential pattern mining in data streams environment is an interesting data mining problem. The problem of finding sequential patterns in static databases had been studied extensively in the past years, however mining sequential ... 展开

    [期刊]   POONGODI K.   DHANANJAY KUMAR   《The Computer journal》    2023年66卷7期      共22页
    摘要 : A large event sequence can generate episode rules that are patterns which help to identify the possible dependencies existing among event types. Frequent episodes occurring in a simple sequence of events are commonly used for mini... 展开

    [期刊]   S. G. Molotilov   V. K. Norri   V. I. Cheskidov   《Journal of Mining Scinece》    2007年43卷1期      共10页
    摘要 : A method is proposed for selecting a rational mining sequence with internal dumping for flat stratified deposits, using new principles of the open-pit process-space formation and development. The main criteria for substantiating t... 展开

    摘要 : Spatiotemporal event sequences (STESs) are the ordered series of event types whose instances frequently follow each other in time and are located close-by. An STES is a spatiotemporal frequent pattern type, which is discovered fro... 展开

    摘要 : Rare events analysis is an area that includes methods for the detection and prediction of events, e.g. a network intrusion or an engine failure, that occur infrequently and have some impact to the system. There are various methods... 展开

    摘要 : Intraday traders buy and sell financial instruments in the short term, typically within the same trading day. Stocks are notable examples of financial instruments. However, since hundreds of stocks are listed on the stock exchange... 展开

    [机翻] Prism:一种有效的素数块编码频繁序列挖掘方法
    [期刊]   Karam Gouda   Mosab Hassaan   Mohammed J. Zaki   《Journal of computer and system sciences》    2010年76卷1期      共15页
    摘要 : Sequence mining is one of the fundamental data mining tasks. In this paper we present a novel approach for mining frequent sequences, called Prism. It utilizes a vertical approach for enumeration and support counting, based on the... 展开
