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    [期刊]   Spydell, M.S.   Feddersen, F.   《Journal of Fluid Mechanics》    2012年691卷      共26页
    摘要 : Previous studies of shear dispersion in bounded velocity fields have assumed random velocities with zero Lagrangian time scale (i.e.? velocities are δ-function correlated in time). However, many turbulent (geophysical and enginee... 展开
    关键词 : mixing   mixing and dispersion  

    摘要 : We report a series of experiments in which a cylinder, with a vertical axis, is moved back and forth along a long narrow channel containing fresh water at Reynolds numbers Re = 3220-13 102. We examine the mixing of a cloud of dye ... 展开

    [期刊]   Goulart, E. V.   Rudd, A. C.   Robins, A. G.   Belcher, S. E.   Coceal, O.   《Journal of Fluid Mechanics》    2015年763卷      共31页
    摘要 : We develop a process-based model for the dispersion of a passive scalar in the turbulent flow around the buildings of a city centre. The street network model is based on dividing the airspace of the streets and intersections into ... 展开

    [期刊]   Van Sommeren, D.D.J.A.   Caulfield, C.P.   Woods, A.W.   《Journal of Fluid Mechanics》    2013年724卷      共30页
    摘要 : We describe new experiments to examine the buoyancy-induced turbulent mixing which results from the injection of a small constant volume flux of dense fluid at the top of a long narrow vertical tank with square cross-section, in w... 展开

    [期刊]   Van Sommeren, D.D.J.A.   Caulfield, C.P.   Woods, A.W.   《Journal of Fluid Mechanics》    2012年701卷      共26页
    摘要 : We describe new experiments to examine the buoyancy-induced mixing which results from the injection of a small constant volume flux of fluid of density ρ s at the top of a long narrow vertical tank with square cross-section which... 展开

    [期刊]   Philips, D.A.   Rossi, R.   Iaccarino, G.   《Journal of Fluid Mechanics》    2013年723卷      共25页
    摘要 : Results from large-eddy simulations of short-range dispersion of a passive scalar from a point source release in an urban-like canopy are presented. The computational domain is that of a variable height array of buildings immersed... 展开

    [期刊]   C. P. Caulfield   Andrew W. Woods   Daan D. J. A. van Sommeren   《Journal of Fluid Mechanics》    2014年742卷      共19页
    摘要 : We perform experiments to study the mixing of passive scalar by a buoyancy-induced turbulent flow in a long narrow vertical tank. The turbulent flow is associated with the downward mixing of a small flux of dense aqueous saline so... 展开

    [期刊]   Coffey, C.J.   Hunt, G.R.   《Journal of Fluid Mechanics》    2010年660卷      共19页
    摘要 : A theoretical description of the turbulent mixing within and the draining of a dense fluid layer from a box connected to a uniform density, quiescent environment through openings in the top and the base of the box is presented in ... 展开

    [期刊]   Reshadi, Milad   Saidi, Mohammad Hassan   《Journal of Fluid Mechanics》    2019年880卷      共40页
    摘要 : This paper extends the analysis of solute dispersion in electrohydrodynamic flows to the case of band broadening in polyelectrolyte-grafted (soft) capillaries by accounting for the effects of ion partitioning, irreversible catalyt... 展开

    摘要 : The Earth's mantle is chemically heterogeneous and probably includes primordial material that has not been affected by melting and attendant depletion of heat-producing radioactive elements. One consequence is that mantle internal... 展开
