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    [机翻] 利用样本指数反映底栖动物多样性的变化
    [期刊]   Jon Barry   Silvana Birchenough   Beth Norris   Suzanne Ware   《Ecological indicators》    2013年26卷Mar.期      共9页
    摘要 : This paper focuses on the difference between the value of some commonly used diversity indices (Simpson, Shannon, abundance, richness) calculated from benthic grab samples and their value in the population or region from which the... 展开

    [机翻] 二十卷生态指标——会计简评
    [期刊]   Sven Erik Jorgensen   Benjamin Burkhard   Felix Mueller   《Ecological indicators》    2013年28卷May期      共6页
    摘要 : In this paper some tendencies of indicator development and application are presented from a quantitative and a qualitative point-of-view. The results of a mainly statistical analysis of the first twenty volumes of the journal Ecol... 展开

    摘要 : Items (or indicators) that constitute "quality of life" instruments can be classified as either reflective (manifestations of some underlying construct), causal (the construct is an effect of the indicators), or composite (the con... 展开

    [期刊]   Wayne J. ohnesorg   Diane M Debinski   Jessica M. orlofike   《Ecological restoration》    2010年28卷3期      共4页
    摘要 : Prairie management and restoration have traditionally Iemphasized plant communities but could benefit from the development of ecological indicators that incorporate animal communities to provide tangible benchmarks of ecosystem fu... 展开
    关键词 : Indicators   Restoration   indicators  

    [期刊]   JOYDEEP MITRA   CHANAN SINGH   《WSEAS Transactions on Systems》    2007年6卷2期      共8页
    摘要 : Of the many analytical methods used in the determination of steady state reliability indices of discrete capacity systems, the method of state space decomposition is one of the most effective, because of its ability to work with s... 展开

    [期刊]   Carson, P. A.   Snowden, D.   《Loss prevention bulletin》    2010年TN.212期      共5页
    摘要 : Companies have moral and legal obligations to avoid harm to their employees, visitors and to the environment. There are also sound business reasons for avoiding accidents. A substantial return on investment can be realised by impr... 展开

    [期刊]   Eliyeh Ganji   G?rres Grenzd?rffer   Sabine Andert   《Agronomy》    2023年13卷2期      共21页
    摘要 : Cultivation of cover crops is a valuable practice in sustainable agriculture. In cover crop management, the method of desiccation is an important consideration, and one widely used method for this is the application of glyphosate.... 展开

    [机翻] 双原子指数(附生硅藻)在河流生态系统水质评价中的应用
    [期刊]   ALI O. SHAAWIAT   FIKRAT M. HASSAN   《Pollution research》    2019年38卷3期      共13页
    摘要 : The aims of this study was to identify the quality of the AI-Shamiyah River by using the Physicochemical and biological factors (diatoms) from March 2013 to February 2014. Two aquatic plants (Ceratophyllum demersum and Phragmites ... 展开

    [机翻] 根据农业保有量的技术、经济和社会指标对希腊农村地区进行分类和排名
    摘要 : This paper aims to classify and rank rural areas in Greece using a set of technical, economic and social indicators. For this purpose, we developed appropriate indicators and criteria applied hierarchical cluster analysis and the ... 展开

    [机翻] 何时使用什么:加权和汇总可持续性指标的方法
    摘要 : Context Sustainability indices (SIs) have become increasingly important to sustainability research and practice. However, while the validity of SIs is heavily dependent on how their components are weighted and aggregated, the typo... 展开
