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    [期刊]   K. KUMAR   K.PAL   《Journal of active and passive electronic devices》    2009年4卷4期      共7页
    摘要 : A high input impedance OTA-C universal biquad filter configuration ispresented in this paper. The circuit uses three OTAs and two capacitors.The circuit is capable of realizing all standard filter transfer function, i.e.low pass h... 展开
    关键词 : bandwidth   requirement   circuit  

    [机翻] 假设比特率不变,谐波广播是带宽最优的
    [期刊]   Engebretsen, L   Sudan, M   《Networks》    2006年47卷3期      共6页
    摘要 : Harmonic broadcasting was introduced by Juhn and Tseng in 1997 as a way to reduce the bandwidth requirements required for video-on-demand broadcasting. In this article, we note that harmonic broadcasting is actually a special case... 展开

    [期刊]   HUNG-CHANG YANG   HSIANG-FU YU   LI-MING TSENG   YI-MING CHEN   《WSEAS Transactions on Communications》    2006年5卷5期      共8页
    摘要 : With the popularity of video broadcasting service on Internet, many significant broadcasting schemes were proposed to reduce the clients' waiting time. These schemes mostly require clients to receive video segments altogether from... 展开

    摘要 : There is an unavoidable tradeoff between the control performance and the quality of service in networked control systems with resource constraints. To address the impact of network resources availability on requirement of bandwidt... 展开

    摘要 : Network technologies and media services provide ubiquitous conveniences for individuals and organizations to gather and process the images in multimedia networks Image compression is the major challenge in storage and bandwidth re... 展开

    [期刊]   Koichi Ebata   Hiroshi Furukawa   《電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. 音声. Speech》    2001年101卷195期      共6页
    摘要 : The authors have proposed Wireless Base Node Repeater Network to realize flexible and cost-effective pico/micro cellular environments. In the system, each base node has wireless repeater function with directional antennas. Routing... 展开

    摘要 : The authors have proposed Wireless Base Node Repeater Network to realize flexible and cost-effective pico/micro cellular environments. In the system, each base node has wireless repeater function with directional antennas. Routing... 展开

    [机翻] 采用双报头脉冲间隔调制(DH-PIM)的室内光无线系统
    [期刊]   N. M. Aldibbiat   Z. Ghassemlooy   R. McLaughlin   《International journal of communication systems》    2005年18卷3期      共21页
    摘要 : This paper assesses the performance of dual header pulse interval modulation (DH-PIM) over indoor optical wireless systems DH-PIM being anisochronous scheme offers a built-in symbol synchroni/ation capability. Theoretical and simu... 展开

    摘要 : With the growing number of human and machine devices in IoT (Internet of Things), ubiquitous network connection and traffic classification become more essential. The LTE/LTE-A system, proposed by 3GPP, is a solution. An evolved No... 展开

    [机翻] 基于网络编码的分层媒体组播的最优时延控制
    [期刊]   XiaobinLin   Yinlong Xu   Wei Xu   Liping Xiang   《Journal of information and computational science》    2011年8卷3期      共12页
    摘要 : Recent works show that the integration of layered media multicast with network coding can significantly improve the throughput of media distribution over the networks where there are a large number oi receivers with heterogeneous ... 展开
