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    [机翻] 堆肥衍生的嗜热微生物群落在堆肥过程中促进了腐殖化过程并改变了微生物多样性
    [期刊]   Xu, Jiaqi   Jiang, Zhiwei   Li, Mingqi   Li, Qunliang   《Journal of Environmental Management》    2019年243卷Aug.1期      共10页
    摘要 : This work was conducted to assess the influence of a compost-born multifunctional thermophilic microbial consortium (CTMC) on the physico-chemical parameters, organic matter (OM) transformation and dynamic succession of microbial ... 展开

    摘要 : The objective was to determine the effects of psychrotrophic-thermophilic complex microbial agent (PTCMA) comprised of a psychrotrophic bacterium consortium (PBC) and a thermophilic cellulolytic fungi consortium (TCFC), on compost... 展开

    摘要 : This study explored how a thermophilic microbial agent altered nitrogen transformation, nitrogen functional genes, and bacterial communities during bean dregs composting with (T) and without (CK) a thermophilic microbial agent for... 展开

    摘要 : The thermophilic bacterium Alcaligenes faecalis isolated from the crude oil contaminated soil of Upper Assam, India. The isolated bacterium was first screened for the ability to produce biosurfactant. The strain growing at 42 degr... 展开
