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    摘要 : A general regenerative model of the Otto engine cycle working with an ideal Bose gas is used to discuss the influence of quantum degeneracy, regeneration and finite rate heat transfer on the performance of the cycle. Based on the ... 展开

    摘要 : We study the performance of an endoreversible magnetic Otto cycle with a working substance composed of a single quantum dot described using the well-known Fock-Darwin model. We find that tuning the intensity of the parabolic trap ... 展开

    [机翻] 考虑传热的空气标准Atkinson、Otto和柴油循环的热力学分析和性能比较
    [期刊]   Afsaneh Noroozian   Mirhadi S. Sadaghiani   Mohammad H. Ahmadi   Mokhtar Bidi   《Heat transfer》    2017年46卷7期      共33页
    摘要 : This paper focuses on the overall performances of Otto, Atkinson, and Diesel air standard cycles. This study compares performance of these cycles with regard to parameters such as variable specific heat ratio, heat transfer loss, ... 展开

    [期刊]   Nathan M. Myers   Francisco J. Pe?a   Natalia Cortés   Patricio Vargas   《Nanomaterials》    2023年13卷9期      共16页
    摘要 : We examine the performance of a finite-time, endoreversible Otto heat engine with a working medium of monolayer or multilayered graphene subjected to an external magnetic field. As the energy spectrum of multilayer graphene under ... 展开

    [机翻] 考虑摩擦损失和边界效应的微纳米级不可逆奥托循环及其性能特点
    [期刊]   Wenjie Nie   Qinghong Liao   ChunQiang Zhang   Jizhou He   《Energy》    2010年35卷12期      共5页
    摘要 : An irreversible cycle model of the micro-/nanoscaled Otto engine cycle with internal friction loss is established. The general expressions of the work output and efficiency of the cycle are calculated based on the finite system th... 展开

    [机翻] 奥托循环内燃机用添加生物柴油的乙醇的理化性质:结果和修正
    摘要 : The goal of this research is to evaluate the effect of adding different concentrations of biodiesel to ethanol, analyzing its heating value, viscosity, flash point and density. Eight different compositions were carried out (4 blen... 展开
    关键词 : Biofuels   Aviation fuels   Biodiesel   Ethanol   Otto cycle    

    [机翻] 空气标准奥托循环净功输出和效率特性的传热效应
    [期刊]   Lingen Chen   Chih Wu   Fengrui Sun   《Energy Conversion & Management》    1998年39卷7期      共6页
    摘要 : Finite-time thermodynamic analysis of an air-standard Otto cycle is performed in this paper. The relation between net work output and efficiency of the cycle is derived. The maximum net work Output and the corresponding efficienc... 展开

    [期刊]   P.A. Shchinnikov   N.V. Marasanov   《Thermophysics and Aeromechanics》    2017年24卷4期      共4页
    摘要 : The technology of electricity production by a mini-thermal power plant, operating on combined cycles of Otto and Rankine, is considered. The main aspects of the investigation methodology are outlined. It is shown that the design a... 展开

    摘要 : Recent theoretical and experimental studies in quantum heat engines show that, in the quasi-static regime, it is possible to have higher efficiency than the limit imposed by Carnot, provided that engineered reservoirs are used. Th... 展开

    摘要 : This work compares the fundamental thermodynamic underpinnings (i.e. working fluid properties and heat release profile) of various combustion strategies with engine measurements. The approach employs a model that separately tracks... 展开
