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    [机翻] 合并子本体
    [期刊]   Andrew Flahive   David Taniar   Wenny Rahayu   《International journal of web and grid services》    2014年10卷2/3期      共23页
    摘要 : Ontologies, such as UMLS and WordNet, are generally very large, and are normally the source of more specialised and smaller ontologies tailored for a certain application. It is natural that the source ontologies be multiple large ... 展开

    [机翻] 基于信任的协同本体构建共识
    摘要 : Ontologies are widely considered to be the backbone of the Semantic Web. Its importance is being recognized in a multiplicity of research fields and application areas. Ontology building is crucial for the aforementioned issues. Th... 展开

    [机翻] 基于本体的信息度量通用实现框架
    摘要 : As a knowledge representation tool, ontologies have been widely applied in many fields such as knowledge management and information integration, etc. Ontology measurement is an important challenge in the field of knowledge managem... 展开

    [期刊]   Bateman, John A.   《Applied ontology》    2022年17卷1期      共35页
    摘要 : GUM is a linguistically-motivated ontology originally developed to support natural language processing systems by offering a level of representation intermediate between linguistic forms and domain knowledge. Whereas modeling deci... 展开

    摘要 : This paper presents two contributions to the field of Ontology Evaluation. First, a live catalogue of pitfalls that extends previous works on modeling errors with new pitfalls resulting from an empirical analysis of over 693 ontol... 展开

    [机翻] 领域模型模式:语义网视角
    [期刊]   THABET SLIMANI   《Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology》    2014年7卷3期      共10页
    摘要 : In Semantic web, domain model is an abstract image of a small part of the world. It serves to capture the common understanding of the domain to create a basis for clear communication. This paper performs a study clarifying the dif... 展开

    [机翻] 基于选择、映射和合并的在线本体构建
    [期刊]   Jungmin Kim   Pankoo Kim   Hyunsook Chung   《International journal of web and grid services》    2011年7卷2期      共20页
    摘要 : The reuse of ontologies existing on the Web should be required to speed up ontology construction process. However, current ontology mapping approaches assume that two input ontologies are given not discovered from available semant... 展开

    [机翻] 用本体论自动化本体工程支持活动
    摘要 : Due to the increasing uptake of semantic technologies, ontologies are now part of a good number of information systems. As a result, software development teams that have to combine ontology engineering activities with software dev... 展开

    [机翻] 罗穆卢斯:多种用途的本体存储库,由中介的基础本体填充
    [期刊]   Zubeida Casmod Khan   C. Maria Keet   《Journal on Data Semantics》    2016年5卷1期      共18页
    摘要 : A foundational ontology contributes to ontology-driven conceptual data modelling and is used to solve interoperability issues among domain ontologies. Multiple foundational ontologies have been developed in recent years, and most ... 展开

    [机翻] 本体变更下的查询重写
    摘要 : Query rewriting is an important technique for answering queries over data described using ontologies. In query rewriting the input, a conjunctive query (CQ) q and an ontology O, is transformed into a new datalog query that capture... 展开
