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    [期刊]   Mitchell, Oscar   Cosar, Arif M.   Malik, Mohammad U.   Gurakar, Ahmet   《Hepatology international》    2016年10卷1期      共9页
    摘要 : Approximately 24,000 liver transplants are performed annually worldwide, almost 7000 of which are performed in the USA. Survival is excellent and continues to improve, with 1-year survival currently exceeding 85 %, but effective m... 展开

    [期刊]   Jazba Yasin   Sadia Ilyas   Ateeqa Mubarak   Uzma Aziz   Nabeela Shami   Ameelia Sadaqat   Kumail Sajjad   《Esculapio》    2023年16卷2期      共4页
    摘要 : Objective: To assess the association of preeclampsia with deranged liver enzymes of patients presenting in a tertiary care hospital. Methods: It was case a control study including 100 females who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. ... 展开

    [期刊]   Frances Lui   《Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine》    2015年16卷1期      共3页
    摘要 : Laboratory tests of liver function are among most commonly ordered investigations. Interpretation of liver function tests requires analysis of metabolic and synthetic functions of the liver, with some parameters reflecting hepatoc... 展开

    [期刊]   A.M. MOHAMED   H.Z. RATES   M.R. ABD ELLAH   A.A. AAMER   《Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal》    2005年51卷106期      共8页
    摘要 : The goal of the present study was to investigate the relation between the extent of liver and kidney damage in pregnancy toxemic does and the responsiveness of these does to therapeutic treatment. A total of 35 late pregnant does ... 展开

    摘要 : BackgroundBiochemical substances relating to renal and hepatic function are influenced not only by individual factors such as gender, lifestyle, and age but also by ecological factors, such as altitude, climate, and ethnic backgro... 展开

    摘要 : Liver disease develops in one-third of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). It is rare for liver disease to have its onset after 20 years of age. Lung disease, however, is usually more severe in adulthood. A retrospective analysis ... 展开

    [期刊]   Frances Lui   《Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine》    2018年19卷1期      共3页
    摘要 : Abstract Liver function test is one of the most commonly performed laboratory investigations and consists of a panel of laboratory measured serum parameters. It does not evaluate function of the liver directly but interpretation, ... 展开

    [期刊]   Andrew Blann   《Nursing times》    2014年110卷6期      共3页
    摘要 : The liver is the body's largest single discrete organ. It has four major functions: metabolism and synthesis; excretion; storage; and the detoxification of potential poisons. These diverse functions mean that a single test does no... 展开
