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    [机翻] 中国温带和亚热带森林土壤有机碳分解与碳库
    [期刊]   L. Yang   J. Pan   Y. Shao   J.M. Chen   W.M. Ju   X. Shi   S. Yuan   《Journal of Environmental Management》    2007年85卷3期      共6页
    摘要 : Decomposition of soil organic carbon (SOC) is a critical component of the global carbon cycle, and accurate estimates of SOC decomposition are important for forest carbon modeling and ultimately for decision making relative to car... 展开

    摘要 : The objective of this study was to investigate the temperature sensitivity of labile and relatively recalcitrant forest soil carbon (C) pools amended with biochar during short-term incubation. Biochars were prepared using sugar ca... 展开

    [期刊]   ASHA GAUR   S. R. GUPTA   《Annals of Agri Bio Research》    2013年18卷2期      共6页
    摘要 : This study was carried out in agroforestry systems of Eucalyptus tereticornis (clonal) on a sandy loam soil at Salimpur (30° 10'N, 76° 55'E; 268 m msl) in northern India which are characterized by tree density of 567 to 630 tree... 展开

    摘要 : A potculture study was conducted in soils collected from long-term fertilizer experiment (LTFE) being kept up as far the past 40 years to determine whether arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) Rhizoglomus intraradices colonization ... 展开

    摘要 : Conventional tillage in Northeast China involves complete removal of crop residue and deep plowing, both of which cause significant loss of soil organic carbon (SOC). Our study aimed to evaluate SOC storage and pool sizes in degra... 展开

    摘要 : Vegetation restoration affects the stability of soil organic carbon (SOC) by changing the composition of soil carbon pools, including active carbon (C-a), the labile pool of SOC; slow carbon (C-s), the physically stabilized pool o... 展开

    [期刊]   Zhang, Baogang   Cai, Yanjiang   Hu, Shuijin   Chang, Scott X.   《Soil Biology & Biochemistry》    2021年163卷      共9页
    摘要 : Microbial decomposition of soil organic carbon (SOC) is a major determinant of the global climate and terrestrial ecosystem services. Despite the rapid loss of plant species worldwide, it remains unclear how plant species richness... 展开

    摘要 : Soil carbon and its fractions are important in understanding the mechanism of soil carbon sequestration. The present study evaluated the impact of seven commercial bamboo species, viz., Bambusa balcooa, B. bambos, B. vulgaris, B. ... 展开

    摘要 : Land use management exerts a tenacious impact on soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics; however, the impact varies with climate, soils, and management practices. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of changes in SOC pools and its fr... 展开

    [机翻] 土壤中CO<sub>2</sub>的演变是否受渗透效应和碳酸钙的影响?
    [期刊]   Raj Setia   Petra Marschner   Jeff Baldock   David Chittleborough   《Biology and Fertility of Soils》    2010年46卷8期      共12页
    摘要 : Salt-affected soils are widespread, particularly in arid climates, but information on nutrient dynamics and carbon dioxide (CO2) efflux from salt-affected soils is scarce. Four laboratory incubation experiments were conducted with... 展开
