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    [期刊]   Chen, Leshi   Kulasiri, Don   Samarasinghe, Sandhya   《Quantitative biology》    2022年10卷1期      共28页
    摘要 : Background: A novel data-driven Boolean model, namely, the fundamental Boolean model (FBM), has been proposed to draw genetic regulatory insights into gene activation, inhibition, and protein decay, published in 2018. This novel B... 展开

    摘要 : Boolean models of regulatory networks are assumed to be tolerant to perturbations. That qualitatively implies that each function can only depend on a few nodes. Biologically motivated constraints further show that functions found ... 展开
    关键词 : Boolean   models   nodes  

    [机翻] 基于贝叶斯连通性的概率基因调控网络构建方法
    [期刊]   Zhou, XB   Wang, XD   Pal, RD   Ivanov, I   Bittner, M   Dougherty, ER   《Bioinformatics》    2004年20卷17期      共10页
    摘要 : Motivation: We have hypothesized that the construction of transcriptional regulatory networks using a method that optimizes connectivity would lead to regulation consistent with biological expectations. A key expectation is that t... 展开

    [期刊]   Regina Aragon   《Mathematical logic quarterly: MLQ》    2003年49卷3期      共17页
    摘要 : We describe the countably saturated models and prime models (up to isomorphism) of the theory Th_(prin) of Boolean algebras with a principal ideal, the theory Th_(max) of Boolean algebras with a maximal ideal, the theory Th_(ac) o... 展开

    [期刊]   M. N. Leontieva   《Algebra and logic》    2014年53卷2期      共14页
    摘要 : We give a complete description of conditions of being strongly constructivizable for Boolean algebras of elementary characteristic (∞, 0, 0) in terms of being computable for a sequence of canonical Ershov–Tarski predicates on Boolean algebras.

    [机翻] 时空重叠事件分析及其在图像序列中的应用
    摘要 : Counting spatially and temporally overlapping events in image sequences and estimating their shape-size and duration features are important issues in some applications. We propose a stochastic model, a particular case of the nonis... 展开

    [机翻] 基于概率模型和布尔模型的WWW文档检索
    摘要 : Even though a Boolean query can express the information need precisely enough to select relevant documents, it is not easy to construct an appropriate Boolean query that covers all relevant documents. To utilize a Boolean query ef... 展开

    [期刊]   A. S. Morozov   B. Kasymkhanuly   《Siberian Mathematical Journal》    2004年45卷1期      共5页
    摘要 : We prove that each computable Boolean algebra has a computable presentation in which for every computable family of automorphisms the set of atoms moved by at least one of its members is finite. This implies that each computable a... 展开

    摘要 : The number of mathematical models for biological pathways is rapidly growing. In particular, Boolean modelling proved to be suited to describe large cellular signalling networks. Systems biology is at the threshold to holistic und... 展开

    [期刊]   Just, W.   Korb, M.   Elbert, B.   Young, T.   《Physica, D. Nonlinear phenomena》    2013年264卷1期      共14页
    摘要 : In cases where the same real-world system can be modeled both by an ODE system D and a Boolean system B, it is of interest to identify conditions under which the two systems will be consistent, that is, will make qualitatively equ... 展开
