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      [期刊]   Edilyn V. Lansangan   Jairus Jesse M. Tubal   《生态学期刊(英文)》    2023年7期      共8页
      摘要 : Pampanga is the top tilapia-producing province in Philippines. One of its municipalities, Minalin, is considered as one of its major centers of production. This study aims to determine the impacts of climate change hazards on the ... 展开

      [期刊]   Matthew J. Ward   《动物科学期刊(英文)》    2021年1期      共6页
      摘要 : Fish size and harvest density generally exhibit a negative relationship in pond culture, but the influence that pond substrate type can have on this relationship is not well understood. To evaluate the influence of pond substrate ... 展开

      [期刊]   Matthew J. Ward   Ryan A. Rasmus   《动物科学期刊(英文)》    2021年2期      共7页
      摘要 : Reduced walleye (Sander vitreus) fingerling production possibly related to nuisance filamentous green algae and overly stable water chemistry patterns is a concern in earthen-substrate ponds at Blue Dog State Fish Hatchery, South ... 展开 Medicago sativa) meal (AFM, n = 2), alfalfa meal plus soybean (Glycine max) meal (AFM + SBM, n = 1), and alfalfa meal plus liquid 28N:0P:0K (AFM + 28:0:0, n = 1) at achieving walleye production objectives (>104,000 walleye and 32 kilograms/hectare) as well as the occurrence of filamentous green algae and the associated patterns of ammonia-nitrogen, pH, and dissolved oxygen in earthen-substrate ponds. Walleye production objectives were only achieved when filamentous green algae were absent preceding harvest, which occurred in one pond that received AFM and in the pond that received AFM + 28:0:0. The presence of filamentous green algae preceding harvest was associated with higher dissolved oxygen and pH, whereas declines in these variables occurred when filamentous green algae were absent. Organic fertilizer alone exhibited low ammonia-nitrogen (<0.1 mg/L) despite the substitution of higher protein content soybean meal, but supplementation with 28:0:0 increased ammonia-nitrogen to 0.23 mg/L. These findings highlight the reduction in walleye fingerling production that occurred in the presence of filamentous green algae and the unpredictability of results when two earthen-substrate ponds are treated exactly the same with alfalfa meal. Achievement of walleye production objectives, lack of nuisance filamentous green algae, and promotion of favorable patterns in water chemistry warrant future experimentation with alfalfa meal supplemented with 28:0:0 in earthen-substrate ponds at this hatchery. 收起

      [期刊]   Matthew J. Ward   Brian G. Blackwell   《动物科学期刊(英文)》    2021年1期      共12页
      摘要 : Walleye (Sander vitreus) fingerling production can be enhanced when the pond substrate is altered from earthen soils to an exposed liner;however, few differences in water chemistry, prey densities, and food habits have been identi... 展开 ) meal fertilizer. Also, at this time pH declined abruptly and remained below 8.2 in lined ponds. Moreover, the enhanced production in lined ponds coincided with walleyes that exhibited an increased pelagic (δ13C) signature during the culture period (2 to 3.3more negative). Efforts to improve production in earthen-substrate ponds should focus on increasing the pelagic signature of the food web through fertilization strategies which increase ammonia-nitrogen (≈0.3 mg/L) and decrease dissolved oxygen (≈6.5 mg/L) while maintaining a pH between 8.0 and 8.2 during the second half of the rearing interval. 收起

      [期刊]   黄建荣   徐润林   廖家遗   《海洋通报(英文版)》    2004年1期      共7页
      摘要 : By using the methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis, the species composition and dominant genus of harmful, ciliates in young abalone culture ponds are studied. Totally 68 species of ciliates, belonging to 3 classes, 16 ... 展开

      [期刊]   Matthew J. Ward   Steven R. Chipps   《动物科学期刊(英文)》    2020年3期      共9页
      摘要 : Adjustments to rearing practices should be justified with increases in production, stocking success, or angler satisfaction. Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) production was assessed between hatchery ponds where fish were re... 展开

      [期刊]   李宏   李松   王仁泉   张明建   李鑫   刘菊萍   阳磊   《渔业致富指南》    2019年6期      共4页
      摘要 : 台湾大泥鳅(未见种属分类,TW),又名台湾龙鳅、台湾鳗鳅、台湾大黄鳅等,是一种选育于我国台湾地区的大型泥鳅;身体细长,须5对,全身有许多小的斑点,体表黏液丰富;属温水性底层淡水鱼类,多栖息于静水及水体有软泥的底层;以小型生物为饵料,如小型甲壳类、... 展开
      关键词 : 池塘养殖  

      [期刊]   Zhiyi Zhang   Xiu Fang   Longqi Sun   《渔业学报(英文)》    2022年6期      共10页
      摘要 : Chinese sea perch(Lateolabrax Maculatus)is one of the main marine fish culture species in China,its green development has received increasing attention and its ecological economic study is rare.Based on field survey,this paper tak... 展开

      [期刊]     《重庆水产》    1992年1期      共7页
      关键词 : 池塘养殖   技术  
