[会议]Theory and Applications of Models of Computation  Yixin Cao, Yuping Ke, Hanchun Yuan

摘要: Let H be a fixed graph. Given a graph G and an integer k, the H-free edge modification problem asks whether it is possible to modify at most k edges in G to make it H-free. Sandeep and Sivadasan (IPEC 2015) asks whether the paw-fr... 展开

作者 Yixin Cao   Yuping Ke   Hanchun Yuan  
文集名称 Theory and Applications of Models of Computation
出版年 2020
会议名称 Annual Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation  
页码 37-49 开始页/总页数 00000037 / 13
会议地点 Changsha(CN) 会议年/会议届次 2020 / 16th
关键词 Kernelization   Paw-free graph   Graph modification  
馆藏号 P2100416