[会议]Optical sensing and detection III  Lynda Cherbi, Samy Touzene, Issam Hadouche, Abderahmane Bellil

摘要: In this work, our main achievement was to improve the sensitivity of a biosensor - evanescent mode type; hence contributing to the design of a bacteria sensor in water by choosing an appropriate microstructure of Photonic crystal ... 展开

作者 Lynda Cherbi   Samy Touzene   Issam Hadouche   Abderahmane Bellil  
文集名称 Optical sensing and detection III
出版年 2014
会议名称 Conference on optical sensing and detection III  
页码 91410V.1-91410V.9 开始页/总页数 91410V.1 / 9
会议地点 Brussels(BE) 会议年 2014
关键词 photonic crystal fiber (PCF)   bacteria detection   water sensing   evanescent mode   biosensor   polymers  
馆藏号 P1400750