[科技报告]AD  Simon, G. W.24

摘要: The solar surface is the astrophysicist's best laboratory for the study of magnetoconvection. There exists equipartition of magnetic and kinetic energy. Higher up in the thin atmosphere of the solar corona, the gas is 'frozen' int... 展开

作者 Simon, G. W.  
原报告号 ADA223997 总页数 24
主办者 Non Paid Reprints
报告分类号 [54C - Astrophysics]
报告类别/文献类型 AD / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Convection   Atmospheres   Cinematography   Distortion   Flow   Gas flow   Ionized gases   Kinetic energy   Magnetic fields   Reprints   Solar corona   Solar flares   Sun   Sunspots   Thinness   Vortices   Solar atmosphere   Solar convection   Magnetoconvection   Solar magnetic fields  