  • 《Molecular ecology》 2003年12卷1期

摘要 : Y chromosome haplotyping based on microsatellites or single nucleotide polymorphisms has recently proven to be a powerful approach for evolutionary studies of human populations, and also holds great promise for the studies of wild... 展开

作者 Hellborg L.   Ellegren H.  
期刊名称 《Molecular ecology》
总页数 9
语种/中图分类号 英语 / Q7  
关键词 Cross-species amplification   Pcr   Sex chromosomes   Snp   Y chromosome   Polymerase-chain-reaction   Sex-chromosome   Evolution   Polymorphisms   Gene   Loci   Map   Amplification   Localization   Populations  
馆藏号 N2008EPST0010140