  • 《Bulletin des sciences mathematiques》 2022年178卷

摘要 : Gabor frames have interested many mathematicians and physicists due to their potential applications in time-frequency analysis, in particular, signal processing. A Gabor system is a collection of vectors which is obtained by apply... 展开

作者 Vashisht~ Lalit Kumar   Malhotra~ Hari Krishan  
期刊名称 《Bulletin des sciences mathematiques》
总页数 34
语种/中图分类号 英语 / O1  
关键词 Discrete frame   Bessel sequence   Gabor frames   Spectral pair   Perturbation   MULTIRESOLUTION ANALYSES   STABILITY   WAVELETS   SYSTEMS   BASES  
馆藏号 N2010EPST0000453