The emergence of nanomedicine drugs as a result of the fast advancement of nanotechnology offers enormous potential for improving cancer treatment strategies. The development of nanomedicine products has opened the door to the pos...
The emergence of nanomedicine drugs as a result of the fast advancement of nanotechnology offers enormous potential for improving cancer treatment strategies. The development of nanomedicine products has opened the door to the possibility of achieving versatility and advanced targeting tactics. There are several uses for nano -particles (NPs) in a wide range of scientific fields. Over the course of the past decades, it has come to public attention that nanoparticles have a pivotal part in contemporary medical practice. Drug transporters, gene transfer to malignancies, and contrast agents for imaging are just a few of the medical uses for which they have been studied in detail. There have been many different types of nanostructures used in the creation of novel cancer therapies, including those based on organic, inorganic, lipid, glycan-based, and synthetic polymers. Among the many approaches to cancer treatment that include drug delivery, this article examines the function that nanoparticles (NPs) play in cancer treatment.