[会议]SpringerKnowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management  Diego Calvanese, Tahir Emre Kalayci, Marco Montali, Ario Santoso, Wil van der Aalst

摘要: Ontology-based Data Access (OBDA) is a by now well-established paradigm that relies on conceptually representing a domain of interest to provide access to relational data sources. The conceptual representation is given in terms of... 展开

作者 Diego Calvanese   Tahir Emre Kalayci   Marco Montali   Ario Santoso   Wil van der Aalst  
文集名称 Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management
出版年 2018
出版社/出版地 Springer / Berlin
会议名称 International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management  
开始页/总页数 50 / 18
会议日期/会议地点 20181112-16 / Nancy 会议年/会议届次 2018 / 21st
中图分类号 TP18-53  
关键词 Conceptual schema transformation Ontology-based data access   Ontology-to-ontology mapping  
馆藏号 N2018122400251474