[会议]Springer-VerlagOn the move to meaningful internet systems: OTM 2014 workshops  Alok Mishra, Deepti Mishra

摘要: Cultural impact is significant in global or distributed software development. Due to cultural differences, co-ordination and collaboration problems have been reported in case studies and this also leads to low quality deliverables... 展开

作者 Alok Mishra   Deepti Mishra  
文集名称 On the move to meaningful internet systems: OTM 2014 workshops
出版年 2014
出版社/出版地 Springer-Verlag / Berlin
会议名称 International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems;International workshops on on the move to meaningful internet systems;International Conference on Ontologies, DataBases, and Applications of Semantics;Workshop on Information Systems in Distributed Environments;Workshop on Information Systems in Distributed Environments;Workshop on Methods, Evaluation, Tools and Applications for The Creation and Consumption of Structured Data for The E-Society;International Workshop on Mobile and Social Computing for Collaborative Interactions;Workshop on Ontology Content;International Conference on Cloud and Trusted Computing;International Workshop on Enterprise Integration, Interoperability and Networking;Workshop on Industrial and Business Applications of Semantic Web Technologies;Workshop on The Move Academy;International Workshop on Industry Case Studies Program  
开始页/总页数 448 / 9
会议日期/会议地点 20141027-31 / Amantea;Amantea;Amantea;Amantea;Amantea;Amantea;Amantea;Amantea;Amantea;Amantea;Amantea;Amantea;Amantea 会议年/会议届次 2014 / ;;;;;;;;;;;;
中图分类号 TP393  
关键词 Distributed Software Development   Culture   Global Software Development  
馆藏号 N2015040900044418