  • 《Journal of Internal Medicine》 2020年287卷2期

摘要 : Abstract Objective To examine the association between the MTNR1B G risk allele, type 2 diabetes (T2D) and chronotype in the UK Biobank. Methods Data from the baseline investigation of the UK Biobank were utilized ( n ?=?337?083 Wh... 展开

作者 Tan X.   Ciuculete D.‐M.   Schi?th H.B.   Benedict C.  
期刊名称 《Journal of Internal Medicine》
总页数 8
语种/中图分类号 英语 / R5  
关键词 chronotype   genetic risk   melatonin receptor 1B polymorphism   type 2 diabetes   UK Biobank  
馆藏号 N2007EPST0002293