Remotely-sensed data can inform conservation efforts that target forest wildlife, however, few spatial data products are able to quantify fine-scale aspects of structural variation within forests. Increased availability of Light D...
Remotely-sensed data can inform conservation efforts that target forest wildlife, however, few spatial data products are able to quantify fine-scale aspects of structural variation within forests. Increased availability of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) datasets that cover broad spatial extents and ownership types (e.g., entire states) provide useful information regarding canopy and understory structure within forested landscapes. The fusion of LiDAR data with field-based species surveys can advance our understanding of species-habitat re-lationships and improve the effectiveness of conservation programs to recover habitat-limited species. The Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera) is a forest-dependent songbird that nests in structurally-complex young forest across eastern North America. As with many early-successional obligates, this species has been declining for decades due, in part, to the steady loss of young forest/shrubland nesting habitat. Although con-servation programs have begun restoring Golden-winged Warbler habitat, these efforts are currently limited by the inability to identify existing habitat across large spatial extents and diverse ownership patterns. Recent availability of state-wide LiDAR data for Pennsylvania provides an opportunity to overcome this limitation. From 2019 to 20, we surveyed for Golden-winged Warblers and structural vegetation at 837 sites across six forest blocks in eastern Pennsylvania. We combined these data with LiDAR derived forest structural metrics to develop statistical models to predict patterns of occupancy. Golden-winged Warbler occupancy probability was explained by models containing several LiDAR-derived structural metrics (e.g., percentage of first returns between 1 and 5 m in height, structural complexity, etc.). Moreover, models fit with LiDAR-derived covariates predicted occu-pancy much better than those using only field-measured vegetation covariates (Delta AICc = 53.27). Mapped pre-dictions of Golden-winged Warbler occupancy revealed potential habitat (especially regenerating timber harvests) on both private and public lands. These results demonstrate the efficacy of LiDAR for modeling forest bird habitat associations, and how such data sources can provide a valuable tool for conservation planning.