[会议]Florida State Horticultural SocietyProceedings of the 124th annual meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society  Frederick S. Davies, Jonathan H. Crane, Bruce Schaffer, Kati Migliaccio, Glenn Zalman

摘要: Optimum nitrogen (N) fertilizer rates and application timing have not been clearly established for papaya plants in north central Florida. Annual N application rates vary from 160 to 500 kg'ha-1 and papaya growers in Florida often... 展开

作者 Frederick S. Davies   Jonathan H. Crane   Bruce Schaffer   Kati Migliaccio   Glenn Zalman  
文集名称 Proceedings of the 124th annual meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society
出版年 2012
出版社/出版地 Florida State Horticultural Society / Florida
会议名称 Annual Meeting of The Florida State Horticultural Society  
开始页/总页数 23 / 5
会议日期/会议地点 2011 / Florida 会议年/会议届次 2011 / 124th
中图分类号 S6-532  
关键词 Carica papaya     nutrition     nitrogen     fruita bomba     paw paw  
馆藏号 N2013EMST0000608