  • 《Journal of Algebra》 2022年600卷

摘要 : Let G be a finite abelian group and let A be an associative G-graded algebra over a field of characteristic zero. A central G-polynomial is a polynomial of the free associative G-graded algebra that takes central values for all gr... 展开

作者 La Mattina~ Daniela   Martino~ Fabrizio   Rizzo~ Carla  
期刊名称 《Journal of Algebra》
总页数 26
语种/中图分类号 英语 / O15  
关键词 Polynomial identity   Central polynomials   Exponent   Codimension growth   CODIMENSION GROWTH   PI-ALGEBRAS   IDENTITIES   VARIETIES  
馆藏号 N2008EPST0000344