[会议]Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers2015 13th International conference on document analysis and recognition  Mohamed Faouzi BenZeghiba, Jér?me Louradour, Christopher Kermorvant

摘要: This paper describes a simple approach to generate an efficient hybrid word/Part-of-Arabic-Word (PAW) Language Model (LM). More precisely, less frequent words in a full word vocabulary are decomposed into PAWs. The resulted PAWs a... 展开

作者 Mohamed Faouzi BenZeghiba   Jér?me Louradour   Christopher Kermorvant  
文集名称 2015 13th International conference on document analysis and recognition
出版年 2015
出版社/出版地 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers / Piscataway
会议名称 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition  
开始页/总页数 671 / 5
会议日期/会议地点 20150823-26 / Tunis 会议年/会议届次 2015 / 13th
中图分类号 TP391.41-53  
关键词 PAW   LM   three types lf LMs  
馆藏号 N2016042800049322