




收藏 分享
序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Controlling airborne pathogen within Fangcang shelter hospitals: Aerodynamic analysis of bioaerosols released from various locations through experiment and simulation Jiang C., Liu Z., Xiao X....
2 Investigation on the thermal budget and flow field of a manikin and comparison with human subject in different scenarios Sankaran A., Hain R., Fuchs T....
3 Identifying influential architectural design variables for early-stage building sustainability optimization Wang, Xinyue, Teigland...
4 Examining behavioral aspect of urban context effect on residential building energy use in Seoul – linking urban walkability to energy Bansal P., Quan S.J.
5 Effects of wearing masks indoors on the cognitive performance and physiological and subjective responses of healthy young adults Lang X., Liu W., Vasquez N.G....
6 What is NExT? A new conceptual model for comfort, satisfaction, health, and well-being in buildings Altomonte S., Kacel S., Martinez P.W....
7 Volatile organic compounds and odor emissions characteristics of building materials and comparisons with the on-site measurements during interior construction stages Guo S., Liang W.
8 Reinventing hybrid office design through a people-centric adaptive approach Pan J., Chen S., Bardhan R.
9 THERMODE 2023: Formulation and Validation of a new Thermo-physiological Model for Moderate Environments d'Ambrosio Alfano F.R., Palella B.I., Riccio G.
10 Study on indoor thermal perception, behavioral adaptation in late pregnancy and their effects on adverse birth outcomes in south China Ni J., Wang H., Yu X....