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1 Facing Spring Frost Damage in Grapevine: Recent Developments and the Role of Delayed Winter Pruning - A Review Stefano Poni, Paolo Sabbatini, Alberto Palliotti 211
2 Spatial Roguing Reduces the Incidence of Leafroll Disease and Curtails Its Spread in a Finger Lakes Cabernet franc Vineyard Stephen Hesler, Rosemary Cox, Rekha Bhandari... 227
3 Autonomous Phenological Development in Different Merlot Grapevine Shoots Michael J. Sipiora, Amanda Cihlar, Samantha Abbate... 237
4 Identification of Potential Grapevine Red Blotch Virus Vector in Missouri Vineyards Harper F. LaFond, Dean S. Volenberg, James E. Schoelz... 247
5 Flavanol Content and Nutritional Quality of Wastes from the Making of White and Rose Wines from Mountain Vineyards Susana Boso, Jose-Luis Santiago, Pilar Gago... 256
6 Influence of Vibration on Volatile Compounds, Color, SO_2, and CO_2 of Riesling Sparkling Wine and White Wine Hannah Renner, Elke Richling, Dominik Durner 267
7 Vine Age Affects Vine Performance, Grape and Wine Chemical and Sensory Composition of cv. Zinfandel from California Vegas L. Riffle, Jocelyn Alvarez Arredondo, Isabelle LoMonaco... 277
8 Bioprotective Effect of Pichia kluyveri and Lactiplantibacillus plantarum in Winemaking Conditions Vasileios Englezos, Paola Di Gianvito, Lorenzo Peyer... 294
9 Diversity of Wild Yeasts During Spontaneous Fermentation of Wines from Local Grape Varieties in Turkey G. Candan Gurakan, Ipek Aktuna, Elnaz Seyedmonir 308