




收藏 分享
序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Malicious program ontology rule set based on association decision and linear discriminant Chenghua Tang, Min Hu, Mengmeng Yang... 135
2 Deep learning-based image forgery detection system Helina Rajini Suresh, M. Shanmuganathan, T. Senthilkumar... 160
3 Using DNA to develop a lightweight symmetric encryption method to encrypt the data of loT devices Bassam Al-Shargabi, Rame Jamil Al-Dwairi, Mohammed Abbas Fadhil Al-Husainy 173
4 Network intrusion detection:systematic evaluation using deep learning Kiran Shrimant Kakade, T.J. Nagalakshmi, S. Pradeep... 190
5 Dark web data classification using deep neural network P.J. Sathish Kumar, J. Jency Rubia, R. Anitha... 202
6 Detection of Botnet using deep learning algorithm:application of machine learning in cyber-security A. Sivakumar, J. Jency Rubia, Hima Vijayan... 213
7 A retrospective analysis on fully homomorphic encryption scheme Sonam Mittal, K.R. Ramkumar 223
8 A novel colour image encryption algorithm using S-box technique Kiran Shrimant Kakade, Swagata Sarkar, S. Asha... 255