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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 A hyperbolic–elliptic PDE model and conservative numerical method for gravity-dominated variably-saturated groundwater flow Shadab M.A., Hesse M.A.
2 Influence of sedimentary structure and pore-size distribution on upscaling permeability and flow enhancement due to liquid boundary slip: A pore-scale computational study Muzemder A.S.H., Singh K.
3 Transient-pressure modelling in fractured porous media with a new embedded finite element approach Damirchi B.V., Dias-da-Costa D., Behnoudfar P....
4 Pore-scale simulations help in overcoming laboratory limitations with unconsolidated rock material: A multi-step reconstruction based on scanning electron and optical microscopy data Kulygin D.A., Khlyupin A., Cherkasov A....
5 Pore-scale simulation of H2-brine system relevant for underground hydrogen storage: A lattice Boltzmann investigation Wang Y., Wen Z., Chakrapani T.H....
6 New insights into the parameterization of the dry surface layer and its hydrogeochemical mechanism: An experimental study Liu F., Wang G., Qian H....
7 Investigating snap-off behavior during spontaneous imbibition in 3D pore-throat model by pseudopotential lattice Boltzmann method Zheng J., Qi X., Bian Y....
8 Pore-scale insights into relative permeability in strongly and weakly wet natural fractures: A Lattice Boltzmann Method 2D simulation study Munarin F.F., Gouze P., Filho F.N.
9 A hybrid pore-network-continuum modeling framework for flow and transport in 3D digital images of porous media Zhang L., Guo B., Xiong Y....
10 Parameter resolution of simulated responses to periodic hydraulic tomography signals in aquifers Paradis D., Lefebvre R., Nefzi A.