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1 Muscular collision chess: a qualitative exploration of the role and development of cognition, understanding and knowledge in elite-level decision making (Mar, 10.1080/1612197X.2021.1907768, 2021) Collins, R., Collins...
2 A model for formulating the relationship between religion and sport performance: a grounded theory approach Noh, Young-Eun, Shahdan... 661
3 High income but high stress: cross over effects of work and family role conflict in professional athletes and their partners Ni, Ying-Lien, Hsu... 677
4 Psychometric properties of the Brunel Mood Scale among athletes and non-athletes in Singapore Han, Christie S. Y., Parsons-Smith... 698
5 Can the Dunning-Kruger effect occur in the motor performance domain? Tremayne, Kell S., Newbery... 715
6 Imagery intervention to increase flow state: A single-case study with middle-distance runners in the state of Qatar Koehn, Stefan, Diaz-Ocejo... 729
7 Perfectionism and attitudes towards doping in athletes: the mediating role of achievement goal orientations Hardwick, Benjamin, Madigan... 743
8 Identification with a National Soccer Team and expectancies regarding success: two experiments on manipulated team salience Vergeld, Vera, Kruessmann... 757
9 High versus low motivating music on intermittent fitness and agility in young well-trained basketball players Blasco-Lafarga, Cristina, Ricart... 777
10 The compassionate coach scale as perceived by the athlete: development and initial validation in Portuguese athletes Oliveira, Sara, Rosado... 794