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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 ‘Backbone of the Profession’ Sets Us Apart Shanley E.R. 1,227
2 Databases of Iodine Content of Foods and Dietary Supplements–Availability of New and Updated Resources Ershow A.G., Haggans C.J., Gahche J.J.... 1,229
3 Development of Quick Guides for Assessing Food/Nutrition and Culture to Enhance Assessment of Food and Nutrition-Related History in Cross-Cultural Clients of Nutrition and Dietetics Practitioners around the World Myers E.F., El Shikieri A.B., Khare-Ranade P. 1,233
4 Authors’ Response Foshati S., Akhlaghi M. 1,239
5 Letter to the Editor re: Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Improves Depression Symptoms Without Affecting Salivary Cortisol and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Patients With Major Depression: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial Flynn M.M. 1,239
6 The Need to Incorporate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Reflections from a National Initiative Measuring Fruit and Vegetable Intake Byker Shanks C., Parks C.A., Yaroch A.L.... 1,241
7 Using Short-Term Dietary Intake Data to Address Research Questions Related to Usual Dietary Intake among Populations and Subpopulations: Assumptions, Statistical Techniques, and Considerations Kirkpatrick S.I., Guenther P.M., Subar A.F.... 1,246
8 Clinician Perspectives of Barriers and Enablers to Implementing the Mediterranean Dietary Pattern in Routine Care for Coronary Heart Disease and Type 2 Diabetes: A Qualitative Interview Study Mayr H.L., Hickman I.J., Macdonald G.A.... 1,263
9 Preliminary Investigation of Microbiome and Dietary Differences in Patients with Phenylketonuria on Enzyme Substitution Therapy Compared to Traditional Therapies Dhillon J., McWhorter N., Hoffman J. 1,283
10 Prevalence of Low-Calorie Sweeteners and Related Front-of-Package Claims in the Brazilian Packaged Food Supply Fagundes Grilo M., Duran A.C., Smith Taillie L.... 1,296