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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Cortical lesion stimulates adult subventricular zone neural progenitor cell proliferation and migration to the site of injury Saha, B., Peron... 965
2 Alginate microcapsule as a 3D platform for the efficient differentiation of human embryonic stem cells to dopamine neurons Kim, J., Sachdev... 978
3 Self-renewal and multilineage differentiation of mouse dental epithelial stem cells Chang, J.Y.F., Wang... 990
4 Generation of organized anterior foregut epithelia from pluripotent stem cells using small molecules Kearns, N.A., Genga... 1,003
5 Endothelial cells mitigate DNA damage and promote the regeneration of hematopoietic stem cells after radiation injury Zachman, D.K., Leon... 1,013
6 Karyotypically abnormal human ESCs are sensitive to HDAC inhibitors and show altered regulation of genes linked to cancers and neurological diseases Lund, R.J., Emani... 1,024
7 Efficacy of adipose tissue-mesenchymal stem cell transplantation in rats with acetaminophen liver injury Salomone, F., Barbagallo... 1,037
8 Zfp819, a novel KRAB-zinc finger protein, interacts with KAP1 and functions in genomic integrity maintenance of mouse embryonic stem cells Tan, X., Xu... 1,045
9 Intra-subject variability in human bone marrow stromal cell (BMSC) replicative senescence: Molecular changes associated with BMSC senescence Ren, J., Stroncek... 1,060
10 Endothelial cells provide a niche for placental hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell expansion through broad transcriptomic modification Raynaud, C.M., Butler... 1,074