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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Advancing Cancer Health Equity for African American Women Williams, Michelle S. 241
2 The Role of Vaccination Interventions to Promote HPV Vaccine Uptake Rates in a College-Aged Population: a Systematic Review Ou, Lihong, Youngstedt... 244
3 Engaging the Community on Colorectal Cancer Screening Education: Focus Group Discussions Among African Americans Luque, John S., Vargas... 251
4 Digesting the Contents: an Analysis of Online Colorectal Cancer Education Websites Wang, Lisa, Gusnowski... 263
5 Developing a Cancer Prevention Health Education Resource: a Primer of Process and Evaluation Kelly, Patricia J., Driscoll... 274
6 A Qualitative Study to Explore Healthcare Providers' Perspectives on End-of-Life Patients' Dignity. How Can Dignity Be Defined, and Which Strategies Exist to Maintain Dignity? Bovero, Andrea, Tosi... 280
7 Communicating Actively, Responding Empathically (CARE): Perceptions of Cancer Health Professionals Attending Communication Training Workshops Nixon, Jodie, Turner... 288
8 Awareness Levels of the Link Between Oropharyngeal Cancer and HPV Infection Among Spanish Women: a Hospital-Based Cross-sectional Study Lorenzo-Pouso, Alejandro, I... 296
9 Clinical Trial on Mindfulness with Family Caregivers for Patients with Cancer Ahmad, Muayyad M., Al-Daken... 304
10 Healthcare Professionals' Perspectives on Adapting a Community Health Worker Model to Facilitate Lung Cancer Screening for Chinese For-Hire Vehicle Drivers Leng, Jennifer, Li... 311